A few dives recently, good scalloping session, started off finding plenty of empty pits where the scallops had been taken at around 6 meters, moved to the 7-8 meter mark and started finding quite a few, some area's 3-4 at a time. John and Edd came to say hello in the rib, after being tempted by a can of beer, John casually tells me my mask and snorkel had just sunk, John lent me his and I managed to luckily find it on the bottom, was pretty certain that was a gonna... Walking back up the steps on my own was hard going, think when you have other people with you it kind of encourages you not to stop for rests
Hadn't been out with the gun since the comp, and that was a bit of a wash out for me as was feeling a tad hungover from a mix of drinks the night before, plus the vis wasn't great and there was a fair chop. Went to an area I knew i'd find bass, the vis was patchy in places but I did see quite a few bass around the 3lb mark and managed to miss a load. Saw some bigger fish but couldn't get near them, took a mullet in the end.
Went out this morning and was in the sea at 6.15am, it was really quiet and the vis was not great but fishable, starting hunting around some large boulders and bootlace, saw a large silver shape swim in the distance, started to fin closer until I was hovering over one of the boulders looking down, the bass circled around and came towards me, right up close, got a shot in through the head and weighed 4lb 8oz gutted. The bass had an ormer/limpit or something like that in its stomach?? (pic below), not come across that before with a bass, but they do seem to eat just about anything. Plenty of diving this weekend and hopefully some of the other guys who have been catching over the last couple of weeks might post some stories/pics.