water temp : 15C
max depth : 10.8m
max dive time : 1.35mins
no of dives : 36
visibility : 6m
swell : not much but alot of wind blown chop
Alot of wind today and the chop was pretty bad. Anyway I decided to go and get wet. I managed to get down to the sea for low water and fished for two hours rising.
I got down to the waters edge and it looked quite rough and as I went in that ominous feeling of yet another day with b*gger all vis filled me with frustration
But I emerged through the shore break and was met with clear 6m vis
Yay ! Such a relief ! I hung there for a moment savouring it, and looked to my left and saw a line of muddy water while to the right was clear - yes, as cleanly demarcated as that.
Anyway I got on with the job at hand - mainly searching for a bass to replenish my winter stock in the freezer. On the aspettos in about 5m of water there was no swell at the bottom - a good sign. On the second drop I saw a nice bass heading my way behind some large mullet - it turned and presented me with it's lateral line so I took the chance and luckily stoned it on the lateral. A nice two and a half pound bass within the first five minutes.
I headed out along a reef following the weed/sand border dropping down into the beautiful calm stillness below the surface and resurfacing a while later back into the buffeting wind and chop. I saw alot of mullet on each dive and the occasional wrasse too.
Out on the end of the reef the current wasn't as strong as I expected - or at least it was very proscibed - one metre further out and you could feel it tugging you towards France ! A metre back and you could fish happiliy - the depth at the end was about 10m or so. You could make out sand or weed on the botom but no details - which is still pretty good considering the recent rubbish vis.
Well I had a few drops off the end and really enjoyed getting down to 10m (and back again) - definitely the secret is to be super relaxed for the whole dive - a bit hard when you are being thrown around on the surface but still I managed a good few dives off the end. On one of them I was on the surface breathing up and glanced to my right to see a large shoal of mullet and a lovely 4 or 5 pound bass in with the mix - I tried to line it up and took a shot but with the chop I would have been lucky to hit it 10cm away let alone several metres. They hung around for a bit - typically just until you have reloaded and then they were gone.
Rounding the corner with the tide coming over the reef I thought it safer to head back in and besides I was tired. Back into the shallows with about 5m of water and good vis - I dropped onto a patch of kelp and rock and was soon surrounded by mullet - one of them looked a bit funny so I shot it
Yes another bass in he mullet gang - this time a five pounder and again cleanly stoned on the lateral line behind the gill plate.
Decided to call it a day and head for home but just on the way back in a bass came into view moving slowly along a gulley in front of me. The water was calmer here so I lined it up and shot from the surface. A clean shot and although it wasn't as close to the gill plate it stoned it too... Lucky day 8)
max depth : 10.8m
max dive time : 1.35mins
no of dives : 36
visibility : 6m
swell : not much but alot of wind blown chop
Alot of wind today and the chop was pretty bad. Anyway I decided to go and get wet. I managed to get down to the sea for low water and fished for two hours rising.
I got down to the waters edge and it looked quite rough and as I went in that ominous feeling of yet another day with b*gger all vis filled me with frustration
Anyway I got on with the job at hand - mainly searching for a bass to replenish my winter stock in the freezer. On the aspettos in about 5m of water there was no swell at the bottom - a good sign. On the second drop I saw a nice bass heading my way behind some large mullet - it turned and presented me with it's lateral line so I took the chance and luckily stoned it on the lateral. A nice two and a half pound bass within the first five minutes.
I headed out along a reef following the weed/sand border dropping down into the beautiful calm stillness below the surface and resurfacing a while later back into the buffeting wind and chop. I saw alot of mullet on each dive and the occasional wrasse too.
Out on the end of the reef the current wasn't as strong as I expected - or at least it was very proscibed - one metre further out and you could feel it tugging you towards France ! A metre back and you could fish happiliy - the depth at the end was about 10m or so. You could make out sand or weed on the botom but no details - which is still pretty good considering the recent rubbish vis.
Well I had a few drops off the end and really enjoyed getting down to 10m (and back again) - definitely the secret is to be super relaxed for the whole dive - a bit hard when you are being thrown around on the surface but still I managed a good few dives off the end. On one of them I was on the surface breathing up and glanced to my right to see a large shoal of mullet and a lovely 4 or 5 pound bass in with the mix - I tried to line it up and took a shot but with the chop I would have been lucky to hit it 10cm away let alone several metres. They hung around for a bit - typically just until you have reloaded and then they were gone.
Rounding the corner with the tide coming over the reef I thought it safer to head back in and besides I was tired. Back into the shallows with about 5m of water and good vis - I dropped onto a patch of kelp and rock and was soon surrounded by mullet - one of them looked a bit funny so I shot it
Decided to call it a day and head for home but just on the way back in a bass came into view moving slowly along a gulley in front of me. The water was calmer here so I lined it up and shot from the surface. A clean shot and although it wasn't as close to the gill plate it stoned it too... Lucky day 8)