now this is getting interesting,
anyway, i will try and see both points of the argument.
here is my opinion on Jorg's post:
you state that a suplement isnt a drug and i see where you are comming from, being a competetive cyclist i know of people who use supplement and anabolic steroids, the users of anabolic steroids dont think they are drugs because they are simply injecting natural hormone in a larger quantity then the body is able to produce it, another words they are giving their body a boost of natural hormones, with anabolic steroids the benifit is that you can work out for longer ie your muscles dont get tired as fast, this however is of no use to freedivers since you dont need to look like arnold to freedive
erythropoietin (epo) is also manufactured by the body, mainly in the kidney, the main purpose of epo is to regulate the production of red blood cells, so one might argue that epo is okay to use because you are simply supplementing the naturely produced amounts of epo by injecting more into the blood stream
to the same effect is blood doping, done by removing some of ones blood(about 1 liter i think) storing it for some time, letting the body regenerate all of the cells lost and then re-injecting the red blood cells into the blood stream
what i find funny is that the sports organizations seem to think of this as using drugs, yet by your statement you say that supplements arent drugs, yet drugs are supplements, does this really make sense?? :naughty
then you go on to say that supplements are you need supplements to compete at the highest level, i cant say i agree with this, the only reason one should use supplements is to bring there level of vitamins or minerals to levels that are considered normal, like children who need more calcium, or astmatics (like myself) who use ventalin which has been shown to cut bone density in half if no supplements are taken, i hope to move up to expert this year in mtb racing and i know that i could take the easy way out and use supplements but then it wouldnt really be me winning the races, it would be the supplements, your point about the peak performance is one that many people seem to think of as true, however you can always push yourself to a higher level, the only thing supplements due is let you get past a plateau in your training more easily, is that really fair?
with your knowledge about drugs and supplements you are probably the best source of information around here, i agree that freediving is more then having a perfect body, it requires loads of mental preperation, practice and things like that, however, i do believe that taking drugs would enhance your freediving performance dramaticly, think if you could load double the amount of O2 into your bloodstream, while using epo this would be a redily available goal this would add minutes to bottom times of everyone that uses this method, it is wrong but it would still work,
drugs are a reality now days, we need to get use to having them around, there are people out there who will do anything to get a leading edge but where do we draw the line? who is to say what is and isnt a drug? why do we dont just let everyone use as many drugs as they want,
keep in mind im only a kid

and dont flame me for my opinion