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Holiday Guernsey 2008

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
I will make the first post on our thread for 2008 - quite impressive we are on page 10 already!
Just want to bump along the thread really but I have the 08 tide table now & to be honest the tides are not that bad for bass but not very good for flatfish.
On the negative side we have had huge trawlers raping our coast for mouths now, this has never happened before so we will have to Wait to see what damage they have caused? On the positive side low water is around mid day on the 15th & about 4pm on the 20th, Good for daytime diving but I think the night time forays might be a bit testing (I officially nominate OMD as Mr night time organiser)
I cant really give any idea of a schedule as yet because there may be more people wanting to come over? However I will be throwing a lobster party & I will be lighting the fire:friday
Mart you bugger, here I am sat at work and you’re talking about Lobster parties and marshmallows by the fire.:p:p:p:p
It’s all too much I’m of to the pie shop..:)
Not long now peeps only another 8 months to wait…..:friday
Hey podge I found this one on my phone!


  • P1030386(1).JPG
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Scary lot you spearos, best avoided I reckon, in fact best avoid anyone who can swim through the tide down there!! Must be half fish or something!?
... I found some too! What a fun site.rofl
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they were with this one! Quite addictive!
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OK Chaps (& one lass so far) our fishin is going to take place around the weekend of the 15th - 20th of August.
We already have enough people to make the event successful but there is room for a few more.
Accommodation maybe in short supply during August & you "will" find much better travel deals if booked now rather than last minute.
I was truly hoping to come along this year, but it's all got very busy that week. My fishing trip to my best buddies lake is on Weds/Thurs and I will be still feeling the effects on Friday - so I will have to miss the Guernsey trip for 2008, please have a large cider for me Podge! (if you have a drink that is!! rofl )

To show how seriously we take the fishing up at his lake :friday
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Never mind mate always next year or perhaps you can join James T slightly later or earlier in the year? (date not set)
..........so I will have to miss the Guernsey trip for 2008 said:
Podge having a drink? Won't happen mate, he hates the stuff! I'll have a go though! :friday

Hi Foxfish et al. Can't stand the talk about your wonderful island- which I first fished in '72! - anymore! Have thrown caution to the wind and booked accom. , flights, etc. Looking forward to meeting all, or some , of you between 15th and 23rd. Have a pad with a barbie in case Foxfish gets tired of chef-ing ! First post so I don't really know how to work stuff - but will find out, I'm sure!

Looking forward to a windless summer

Hey Birchy you have come out the wood work rofl
That is really great cant wait to meet you
You seemed to get that post up alright so keep at it mate & welcome to db.

Guess I could try just the one in honor of a missing friend, just as long as my good friend Spaniard is there to take the bottle from me it should be fine.rofl:friday
And then there’s the food well I must say that I couldn’t stay for more than a week for risk of a heart attach, Guernsey Butter UUUMMMM half an inch thick on real French bread, I don’t think I could eat more than 2 loafs and half a pound of that butter before I had to stop.
Counting the days down

Oh sorry, Birchy welcome to DB mate and looking forward to meeting you.
Greetings Birchy. You gonna keep us in suspense? Where you from, where you live, why were you in our fair isle, whats your background?

Did gleam one fact from your profile; you and me will be able to chat together and pass disparaging remarks about the young 'uns and how things are not like they were in the good old days.

Two old men sitting in deck chairs on the beach. One says "Nice out". The other says "Yeah! I got mine out too".

I would really like to offer you guys the opportunity to visit Herm for a night around the captains table. This involves a 20 minute ferry ride to a beautiful tiny Island that has no cars, two bars & three restaurants, the captain's table is a jolly affair with good food & amazing ambiance.
The boat leaves about 7pm & returns about 10.30pm cost about £25.00 but have a look at their site - Herm Island -
Guernsey, Channel Island Holiday Island
- http://www.herm-island.com/downloads/Microsoft_Word_-_Captains_Spring_2007.pdf
Other ideas are - night dive (speak up Dave) at least 2 fire parties, filleting lessons & lobster fest come prize giving!!!
I am sure we will be eating well on fresh fish & crab caught by our own fair hands (maybe not Spaniards though) & the club house will be open all day!
I would welcome any input & ideas from anyone?
hey foxy the trip to herm sounds good would like to go on a night dive this time aswell!? and id love to help out cooking, and to watch a master at work