spaghetti said:
But...waitaminute...Is it you in the pic, Huw? I thought you were a boy, but if it's you there, you're kindly requested to sign in for the DB bikini contest!
AHAHAH rofl. No thats a good friend of mine in the picture - not me - i am a guy. But i can enter the bikini contest anyway if you like (a terrible joke)
Its a cool story about you and your mullet... there is a similar place at one of my dive spots... there is a long line of large floats across a bay to keep boats away, and there is one particular shoal that love to hang around there. This season (in the same way as yours did) they became much more wary than last year, so i have taken to diving down, and approaching them from below. However i always seem to take the largest, and so by the end of the year only the smaller are left... but at least i know that they are out there at the moment growing for me next year
Mind you i have a little project that i do each year to replace (or speed up the growth of) the population... i have been meaning to tell you all about it for a long while really.
About 5 or 6 years ago at the end of August as a little project and hobby I bought a large fish tank, i then went down to the beach at a low tide and gathered up some weed covered rocks, and shells and sand and stuff. I then set it all up in the tank - like a scaled down replica of a reef. Then i filled it up with sea water and left it to settle for a few days. Then on the next spring low tide i went down to the rockpools with a net and a bucket with an air pump. I caught about 12 tiny tiny mullet (about 2cm long) and, two edible crabs, some small shrimps (to keep the tank tidy), one small wrasse (5-6cm) and a bunch of other stuff. I then kept them over the winter, untill about july and fed them 3 times a day daily. When it reached the end of July, the mullet were about 10 -12cm long, and i took them all down to the professional aquarium (where i work) and placed them in a huge tank. After another two years in there they had grown to over 2lbs in weight and well over 45 cms. I then released them back to the place where i had first captured them.
I had so much fun doing it and watching them all grow, that I do it every year now. And if anyone thinks that it is morally wrong - if you saw their tanks, and could speak the language of mullet, i am sure that they would tell you what a fantastic three years they had (free food accomodation... and no predators!!!).
I like to think that perhaps some of the mullet that i see during my time in the water, are indeed some of the little fry that i raised. Mind you give it a few years and they will be at the size where i only see them whilst looking down the barrel of my gun