I finally had a chance to dive deeper than 20m. On the first day I could equalize repeatedly down to 26m. Not bad at all considering my limitations and the fact that it was my first deep dive this year. On the second day it was even better. I was able to equalize down to 28m few times in a row. This time sudden lack of air did not occur. Equalization gradually became more and more difficult. I thought to myself "Hey you've finally made some progress!". However, the third day was a complete disaster. During most dives I was able to equalize only down to 16-18m
This time equalization became impossible very rapidly. Surprisingly, I was still able to bring air up to my mouth but I couldn't equalize my ears no matter how hard I tried. I think it was a soft palate lock. Once or twice, when I tried to relax my soft palate, equalization became possible again, but it worked only for a very short time. If it really was a soft palate lock what can be done to solve this problem? Keeping my nose pinched all the time does not seem to help much.
I'm really confused, on one day I can equalize down to 28m easily, and on the next one only to 16m. The conditions were the same. I'm currently able to repeatedly dive FRC to 12-13m (lungs about ~50% empty). How is that possible that I was able to get only 3m deeper on full lungs on that day?