Rigdvr, u okay?
How are you? What kind of damage in your area? We were lucky, all we got was high waves and tide, which caused a little coastal flooding, but not much. Actually we were very lucky, because our rivers were already above flood stage from two earlier rain storms, some over a 100 year high, and just a few inches of rain would cause a lot of damage.
The gulf here is already smoothed out with only 2.6’ waves this morning that have a DPD of 10 seconds, so it’s very good. I have been planning on going Sunday all week, but the wind was almost none existence last night (Thursday) and they have changed the forecast to Saturday being the better day, so I guess I’m going tomorrow. Don’t know what the current will be like or where the blue water will be. I’m little worried about those because we still have a high tide on the coast so if all that water starts moving back, it could create quite a current, but Lili is forecasted to go into the Gulf on Wednesday, so if the waves are small this weekend, I got to go while I can.