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ireland spearing 2009

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supermanliam, welcome to deeperblue. I think looking at the charts may not be the best way of going about things. sheltered sandy/shale areas seem to be the best but getting in for a look is the best way to find out! also ask some scuba divers, although if they find out why your asking they may be reluctant. shorelines with lots of broken shells or areas where seals hang out are also good. I have found spots on scuba and revisited without scuba to collect a few.
sjwpjw, I usually concentrate on crab, lobster, scallops this time of year but a lot of deep water fish that you dont see in summer come to the shallow for the colder weather, ie, cod, flatties, ray ect but i rarely see them due to bad vis. keep looking around your usual bass and pollock spots and you may find cod or whiting.
Its trial and error for the most part and finding new reefs with plenty of life is always a great buzz. be very careful who you tell about your spots as we found out a few months back. Good luck and keep us updated on your catch!
Thanks A Lot Baldyfish Much appreciated :)
Do Bigger Pollack Come In From Deeper Waters In Winter ? Or bigger bass ?
welcome guys to forum.
it is sad to know , that somebody taking a piss , on lads who knows and shared the good areas of spearfishing . there is no respect for these "slaughters" from others.
anyways , weather for last 5-6 weeks in Ireland didn't looked good in off for water sports :). hopefully next new year will bring some more better weather , there is enough fish ....
I , my family and couple friends ,spending all week after Christmas from 28 of December to 3 of January in Kenmare co. Kerry ,holiday homes. there will be fun to meet all or some of you lads for pint and chat , in any plaice. :friday
maybe anybody have same idea ?
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the bass mysteriously disappear in winter unfortunately but the odd one tends to pop up now and again. september is the best time for the pollock in my experience but they are really an all year round fish if your looking in the right places, kelp and rocky areas or on wrecks is where the big boys lie. sunfish is the man to explain all about the pollock.
Danas i might head down to kenmare for a day trip if the weather improves. I havnt been wet in 5-6 weeks now(except for pool training every monday at the marine college). ill be in touch weather depending. thanks.
welcome to the forum lads, haven't been diving in a while due to work and weather and when I do get an hour I get a surf in at the mo which keeps up the fitness a bit. WE finished off our pool sessions last week as we were piggybacking with the IT for a few weeks. Finally cracked 75m dyn which I had a bit of a mental block with as of course once i got there i got it several times that night even managing to turn and get aone push off so think about 80m pb in dyn but need more training the end of the pool on the fourth leanght seems a long way away. I have tried different speeds as I felt i was travelling too fast on the second leg, but the varying depths make it hard to keep the same type of kick. anyone else in the pool and if so how are ye faring out?
From what I have seen the cod, whiting, dab and ray come in during the colder months. not easy to spear though.
more often than not i would get 5-6 dives in winter but mostly shell collecting or crabbing. The weather is being very difficult this year and last year but if the swell and wind die out for 3-4 days the vis becomes manageable. windguru.com is the best to check. just looked and its gonna be howling for the next 7 days again.:head
Yea And Magicseaweed.com Shows You Swell And Wind Directions
Hopefully There Will Be Some Good Weather Early In 2010

alright fcallagy, doing dynamics in the pool is very addictive aye! I managed 4 corners last night with no fins, 25metres by 13metres, not bad!
Hey every body! when is the weather going to be good? i am going crazy, i would love to get out for a nice day spearfishing, it has been a long time now with all that wind. i am just wondering if there is any body around tallaght area in dublin that would like to meet up and do some training in a swimming pool. or if you know any other place in dublin were people meet up and do some training.thanks. here is a picture of the last time i was out spearfishing a couple weeks a go. i neever got around to post it then.


  • big pollock.jpg
    47.5 KB · Views: 180
good job. nice fish.
i living near Tallaght area in Knocklyon. i going to train in Total Fitness club in Sandyford. there is good size swimming pool, not deep , but OK for swimming and bit of diving. where do you train ?
Hey Greekgills Check Out Magicseaweed For Next week all the waves seem to be dying right down even on the west coast Maybe a Day Or 2 Down In Our Spot Before Christmas
good job. nice fish.
i living near Tallaght area in Knocklyon. i going to train in Total Fitness club in Sandyford. there is good size swimming pool, not deep , but OK for swimming and bit of diving. where do you train ?
Hey danas, sounds good, what time would you go to the pool at? as i am working in offaly and get back to dublin about 7 pm in the evening. do they let you use finns and mask in that swimming pool? I normaly use the pool in birr down in offaly and i can bring my gear with me. i hope we can work something out, because it will be nice to train with some one else, who loves spearfishing as well.
Hey Greekgills Check Out Magicseaweed For Next week all the waves seem to be dying right down even on the west coast Maybe a Day Or 2 Down In Our Spot Before Christmas
Hey bad boy liam:martial, how are you? it seems that the wind calming down on monday coming, but it need to stay calm for a couple of days befor we are going to get any good vis, i hope it does. we are going to keep an eye on it and hope for the best. talk to you soon.
Im Good Thanks . . Yea Look Over At Achill Island Surf Report For Next Week It Goes Nearly Flat And Its An Onshore Wind
i usually training without a gear. only for static, because i doing most of time on my own. i never ask them about finns , but i done see why we could not do bring it . last time i was training my oldest daughter snorkeling in a pool. she used finns, mask and nobody complaining about it.
its bit expensive to use it as per single entrance to swimming pool , i thing is around 17 euros to use all fitness club. it not expensive if u have membership for a year, specially Student one. check online for an offers.
lads what about the aqua centre.
someone posted about it before.
its only €4 off peak(when slides section is closed) and they allow fins no problem.
scuba clubs use the 5M deep pool so they might even allow us into that. its just off M50 so not too hard for people to get to
what do you think?
Reactions: danas