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Long term review of Apnea ST60, Apnea Amarok Roller 95 and Apnea New Gen Reel

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Viz poor in Dorset today, 50cm-2m viz despite hot weather most of this week so far. But a good opportunity to try the ST-60! Seemed like the most appropriate choice this morning. :)

Unfortunately no fish :(. I did a test shot - quite punchy, powerful. More power than necessary for the limited viz. Fast tracking.

I reloaded it quickly first time but second time the spearline and rubbers got tangled up together. Double wraps are probably not worth the hassle for most UK spearing. The double bands and open muzzle added a little extra complication. Probably best to stick to a single wrap for UK.

The green 14mm rubbers loaded easily yet felt powerful - the ideal combination. The very short dyneema wishbones worked well, I half expected them to come undone. I had checked, tweaked and tightened them beforehand. So got a really full stretch of the bands.

So ST-60 very good so far. Two minor niggles: line release is on the wrong (left) side and it is not as large or as positive as my Omers'. It moves forward making the second wrap less secure (the second wrap of line fell off once after reloading). Others, not used to Omers might not notice these as problems. Again, perhaps best to stick with a single wrap.
So, at this point are you looking to stick with the new guns, or go back to the XXV
The plan is use all of them. I carried the ST but had my XXV 75 on my float. I had optimistically hoped conditions might be good enough for me to carry the 95 roller, with the XXV 90 on my float, or failing that the XXV 75 on my float but conditions were at the other end of the scale unfortunately .

The XXVs will remain my main day to day spearguns. The 60 and 95 are intended for more extreme conditions. The 60 could replace the XXV 75 I suppose but I prefer the latter for normal conditions.

The 95 roller cannot replace my superlight, fast tracking XXV90 though. It really replaces a somewhat heavier 95/100/105/110/115/120 that I don't have - it sort of covers all those sizes, in theory anyway.

The XXVs, as I have configured them, are "the best thing since sliced bread", for me. :D
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Btw The smaller spearguns are easier to pack, to carry, to travel with, to attach to float, and to flush and dry. The smaller the better for the above. The ST-60 could reasonably be packed instead of a lesser 75 speargun, if space were limited. The XXV 75 is lighter though.

The ST-60 has very little spear overhand, which makes it shorter overall for travelling. The reverse trigger gives the band stretch of a traditional 65 and the double band probably makes the power comparable to a good, single-band 75. Can power it down to single-band for caves/wrecks, for which it would likely excel (with single wrap), if desired.

BTW The XXVs cost almost exactly the same as the ST Speargun on 30% discount, albeit maybe 10 years earlier. Given a straight choice, I would choose the XXV but they are not longer available, sadly. A Cayman carbon was likely the closest thing but significantly more expensive and no longer available. So that leaves the Invictus carbon, a bigger, more powerful option at 2.5x the price :(
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Is it a pain to load the bands on the 60 considering that they are very short without too much room for stretching? I looked at Salvmar 65 Hero and the bands were very short and appeared to be more difficult to stretch and load than a bigger gun with longer bands.
Is it a pain to load the bands on the 60 considering that they are very short without too much room for stretching? I looked at Salvmar 65 Hero and the bands were very short and appeared to be more difficult to stretch and load than a bigger gun with longer bands.
No, see above, I found the bands easy to load and powerful. I think the ST would clearly be a good, powerful, versatile option in more traditional UK sizes 75, 80, 90.

I just looked at the other products on the Apnea website, they have a lot of interesting products and accessories including spearfishing daggers, cool snorkels, neoprene vests, wetsuits and weight vests.

I see there is also a metal muzzle wishbone for the ST muzzle, should you wish to convert it to screw-in bands, heaven forbid! My Omers came with a similar metal muzzle wishbone and screw-in bands. It's nice to have the option but I converted them to bulk rubber when the screw-in bands wore out.
I have one of those Apnea spearguns and they're good spearguns. They're marketed under many brands as Hammerhead, Speardiver, Devoto, Spetton, etc.... If I'm not wrong, you can switch the line release side just punching off a pin. I don't like the reel though, with big fish pulling it, it doesn't really works smoothly. Regarding the bungee, if you have a reel, you don't need it at all. It will only lead in more tangles.

Here's one video of me in Venezuela using it with a nice wahoo:


And here in Panama with several nice fish:

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Cool videos :cool: Are you using Apnea spearguns and reels in the videos? If so, then I think you are using the same reel that I have, as the reel has holes in the spool to aid drying, their cheaper models have solid spools. Sad to hear it is not so smooth (perhaps some fettling might help?) but reassuring to see that you handled several very good fish on it :)

I haven't used the reel yet. Not sure if the need will arise but, if it does, I am now prepared :). It fits both my 60 and my 95 roller.

What length Spearguns were you using, 110? I'd love to hunt wahoo and barracuda but we don't get them here. What were the fish in the second video?

I just checked my ST, although there is a small Apnea name plate on the righthand side that looks like it might be removable for the line release, there are no holes on the top rightside for the pin. I don't consider it a problem though, it is hardly even an inconvenience. Just different from what I am used to.


It is a 110 gun with a 7 mm shaft and fish are wahoo, dog snapper and amberjack in the same order.
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Here in England, I can only dream of wahoo, amberjack and dog snapper, sigh.

Just tried to book some accommodation on the English coast but there is nothing available :(

Also, just bought some new rubbers...
I just ordered some spare rubbers from SpearfishingStore.co.uk in Devon. So sad that they are closing, they have become my favourite store. :(

However, (a) they have even better prices now and (b) my big order last year earnt me more than £9 in loyalty points that I was able to use :)

I ordered 1mx14mm for the ST60, 1mx16mm for my Omer 75 and 90, and a 56cm set for my Apnea roller (great price). I'll freeze the rubbers for now. I also ordered a wetsuit repair kit, just in case (good price).

The spearfishing store's roller page https://www.spearfishingstore.co.uk/product-information/how-to-fit-a-roller-muzzle-kit says the factory recommend 54cm bands for my 95cm roller speargun. I opted instead for the longest set available, 56cm X 18mm bands, as mine came equipped with much longer 65mmx16mm bands. Thicker bands are normally specified longer than thinner bands, not vice versa. Quite a difference in power/resistance. I would have preferred lighter 16mm or 15mm roller bands. I think loading the roller will be difficult enough as is and I'm sure the power is more than adequate already :D

The total price, including shipping, was less than the cost of just 1m of 14mm RA bulk rubber from competitor spearfishing.co.uk! Beware anywhere that sells bulk rubber by the cm! It really shouldn't be that precious.
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The bands on the ST-60 and Amarok roller measure 14mm and 16mm respectively, as expected.

However, I also measured the "16mm" spearitco.com rubbers I fitted to my Omer Spearguns and they are only 15mm! Not a problem though, the 90cm Omer worked well with its band last year. The rubber is also described as 5/8" which is actually 15.875mm - but that should be closer to 16mm than 15mm. Probably this rubber: https://www.spearitco.com/Small-ID-Speargun-Rubber-16mm-p/rubr-161.htm
I read your post from the beginning and the Apena gun with yellow handle is exactly like the Hammerhead spear gun handle on my 90cm and 130cm guns with adjustable trigger pull. Nice guns and shoot great.
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No, Age related*, retiring I think, at least from spearfishing sales. The business is/was for sale. I think the owner has retained the physical shop for now, as they also sell stuff for the old and infirm - a significant demographic around Torbay.

*But with Bill McIntyre still spearing in his 80s, age isn't as good of an excuse as it used to be. ;)

It was for sale before lockdown but perhaps the owner picked up on the risk ahead? Also, a (more expensive) web competitor opened a physical shop around the same time in Cornwall, which is fairly close - but not that close.

The idea of moving down there to run a spearfishing store quite appeals to me. But I expect it is quite seasonal. You need to know what you are doing. When I lived in Chicago, the local ski store sold garden furniture in the summer and the bike store sold XC skiis in winter. I suppose it could be located anywhere though, especially as a web business.

They have a Facebook page. Membership of the evil empire not essential ;)

They appear to have processed and dispatched my order. I've just booked some accomodation in Devon, pity the shop isn't selling spear gear now - but dragging yourself into town takes a conscious effort when on holiday. Even when the weather isn't so great.
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???? Do you reuse your "rubbers"?
No. Only cut up for spear tip protectors and anything else I might think of.

I store spare rubbers, sealed, in the deep freeze to keep them fresh.
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My order arrived today. I've already bagged and frozen the rubbers - with detailed labels ;)

The bands were all correct diameter and the lengths are generous - full marks for that (y) It's actually provided me with the option that I could, if desired cut these to make rubbers for my roller speargun, if the shorter 18mm bands turn out to be hard to load or too punchy. Nice to have options :)

The 2 Apnea green bulk rubbers have 3mm diameter holes in the middle - Rob Allen and Spearitco rubbers have a smaller hole. Generally that means less rubber and less power and, perhaps, shorter life. But it also means easier loading and smoother release. I've barely used my ST but the test shots I took seemed quite powerful; it has 2x 14mm green bands, which no doubt helps.

I think @foxfish was unhappy with some rubbers that he got which had the larger hole. Time will tell. I think the larger hole might make it easier to use knotted Dyneema loops instead of beads. It might mean my rollergun might be easier to load than I feared, with the 18mm rubbers and 9cm shorter bands on each side. :)
BTW Spearfishingstore.co.uk are selling 2 versions of the Apnea roller muzzle kits for less than £30 currently.

They are kits which also include their rubber anchoring system (which I now gather is intended to provide 3 alternative anchor points, in theory at least) with the Apnea reel cleat used to secure it. Rubbers are extra but cheap on sale currently ;)
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I visited spearfishingstore.co.uk on holiday. I left my fins behind o_O The shop is officially closed but the signage is still up and they were kind enough to open for me, after calling them, to get some fins. I got some Apnea shorts, quite nice and at £29 hard to beat.

I used the ST60 on a low viz. day. When viz is that low, probably better off not spearing. I took a couple of shots. Again, terrible tangle after second shot. Double-wraps are a pain, probably even more so on a very short gun with double bands and an open muzzle. I cut the spearline down to a more normal single wrap now, much better.

So far I think the Apnea ST is a very good speargun. It feels good, slim, right weight, quality seems good. Still not sure about my choice of 60cm size - the jury is still out on that barrel length. It's easy to load the bands but I think I might end up putting 1x16mm or 1x18.5mm on it - quicker and simpler. I think the ST might be best as 90 or 100-110; twin bands would probably be more beneficial at longer lengths.

Didn't get a chance try out my 95cm Apnea Amarock roller speargun, the visibility wasn't that good. All my fish on this trip were caught with my Omer XXV 90.

BTW I see they have a couple of Apnea Whaler 35cm roller spearguns left. I couldn't picture roller spearguns that small but they look and feel surprisingly good and normal. Perhaps good for big, holed up fish, like Conger/grouper/lung, or big fish in poor Viz (somebody mentioned sturgeon)?
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