"steel split mould with a removable steel tongue for the belt slot. You need to either fix each weight with a stainless self tapping screw or group them in small numbers and use a sliding belt clip"
Dave, just like an engineer http://forums.deeperblue.net/images/icons/icon7.gif (small chuckle?). If you use a piece of the belt for the tongue, the weights can't move much. If 'not much' doesn't work, a light tap with a hammer fixes them.
Thanks again Huan, I always wondered how to make shot.
P.S. Ain't computers great? Someday they'll make one that does what you want, instead of what the computer wants.
Dave, just like an engineer http://forums.deeperblue.net/images/icons/icon7.gif (small chuckle?). If you use a piece of the belt for the tongue, the weights can't move much. If 'not much' doesn't work, a light tap with a hammer fixes them.
Thanks again Huan, I always wondered how to make shot.
P.S. Ain't computers great? Someday they'll make one that does what you want, instead of what the computer wants.
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