Nice History! You're right about the recoil on that usd gun - they also had a very narrow grip I didn't like - very flat with edges. I've seen one of these and some of the nemrod mid-handle band guns on ebay. But the technology is so much more refined now. My fav back then was the nemrod pneumatic (mine was old then - got it used). Got so I could do Clint Eastwood style slap-shots with it against fast moving prey. Very nice grip on that one - and great balance.
By the way - Pippin's outfit seems to be dumping some really long mares guns on ebay - 59inch pneumatics for $184 - one with 2 hours left and no bids
By the way - Pippin's outfit seems to be dumping some really long mares guns on ebay - 59inch pneumatics for $184 - one with 2 hours left and no bids
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