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My twins have arrived

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Hi to all on the forums,

Just want to thank people for the well wishes they gave me when they found out we were expecting twins. And now they have arrived I would like to show them to you all.

They were born a little early at 35 weeks, but for twins thats not bad.
1 girl 2352grams
1 boy 2346grams

so I think thats about 5.1lbs each. very good for preterm twins.
They are very healthy, although when they were born their blood sugar levels were low, but have since gone up.
they were born on Friday 28th of August 2009
They are in the NICU, but mainly just as a precaution (blood sugar levels)
And should be able to join their mum in a few days.

The boy is the one with the tube in his nose. He swallowed some of his mums water, and thats just to help get it out.


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Reactions: Mr. X and foxfish
Fantastic news, they are very beautiful babies, congratulations.
Happy Days!
Enjoy, I can't believe how quick they grow. Our daughter is now 2 1/2yr and full of it! Tells my wife when I've gone surfing or spearing (she is very specific). Also asks when I get back re. fish.

No.. not today.
missed the only good sized fish I saw :vangry

The real fun lies ahead of you! :friday
Wonderful! Congratulations Monchan! We're all happy for you! :friday
Congratulations to Mum and Dad and welcome to the world to the little ones! All the best.
thanks everyone,
they are doing very well and are able to drink properly now, and it's looks like they will leave the NICU tomorrow. can't wait.
Congratulations on the new additions! :) what a blessing they will be :)
CONGRATULATIONS! I wish you and your wife the best. So, how long before the twins are shooting fish?

take care,
Congratulations Monchan, with efficiency like that (a complete set in one pregnancy!) Japan has obviously been a positive influence on you.:D Best wishes to mother & children.
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