Hi everybody, I am new, new to this site and new to diving, I am currently following the course to become a one star diver and the examination both theory and practice are planned for February and March.
My name is Liesbeth and I live in Antwerp, Belgium, I am a late starter, born in 1952 so you can work it out for yourselves...
I have been reading lots of threads on this net and learned a lot.
My husband is a two star diver and we plan to go diving together all over Europe, we plan to start with a months holiday in Italy and check out the diving there, if I get through my exams that is, I am not overly confident about that, the theory isn't all that easy if you haven't studied for over xxxx-years.
Also I am not in the best of condition as fitness is concerned, need to work on that very hard too.
Still I think i will enjoy diving although a bit apprehensive for my first real dive but that is normal I think.
Greetings from Belgium,
My name is Liesbeth and I live in Antwerp, Belgium, I am a late starter, born in 1952 so you can work it out for yourselves...
I have been reading lots of threads on this net and learned a lot.
My husband is a two star diver and we plan to go diving together all over Europe, we plan to start with a months holiday in Italy and check out the diving there, if I get through my exams that is, I am not overly confident about that, the theory isn't all that easy if you haven't studied for over xxxx-years.
Also I am not in the best of condition as fitness is concerned, need to work on that very hard too.
Still I think i will enjoy diving although a bit apprehensive for my first real dive but that is normal I think.
Greetings from Belgium,