Hi everyone, im trying to find some good fins for spearfishing, im 6ft 220lb and hold a 12lb belt with a 3.5m suit. I was initially interested in the innegra diveR's do to them being super robust but i have heard their medium blades are too soft and can give a hard time when diving deep, my question is should i still go for the diveR or go for something like moana or the c90 fins? Im currently using mares razor pro plastic fins, thanks
Finding fins that's right for you can be quite difficult. Just know that the stiffness (soft, medium, stiff) is different from brand to brand. I've had it where one company's soft was still stiffer than anothers stiff. The frustrating part is some companies will also NOT accept refunds even if you
don't use them in the water. Furthermore, how do you know what's right for you if you can't test it out?
On the other end, some companies will allow you to test them out, but those are rare I think, unless they have a test pair for people to use.
While I haven't tried the Innegras, I've read they are quite soft as blades. I too fight current and there's no way I could use soft blades practically.
Regarding Moanas, I've use them for years, but the new ones AREN'T made how they were. Meaning, they're much softer now ways. New owner and new direction in blade stiffness. That said, they are still very quality fins and one of the few companies that had great customer service when I was on the hunt for fins.
Bottom line is, if you know generally what stiffness you're looking for by feel (comparing your Mares), you can get pretty close to getting what you want. The only issue is getting the blades in your hand to feel.
For your size, I'm thinking you'd want to stick with something with a stiffer profile. Examples are like the Cetma Edge in stiff or Meadros in medium or stiff.
The best is to find a local shop to feel the blades. Unfortunately for me, I spent a lot of $ and time ordering and returning fins to find what I like now.
Fins are expensive. Don't settle.