Greetings Everyone,
I'm new to this website and am basically trying to find out a few things about spearing in the WI area. First, let me introduce myself...
My name is Nate, I'm 26 and have spent the last 2 years living in Saipan CNMI. If you don't know where that is, it's in the middle of the Pacific Ocean near Guam. I had some friends out here introduce me to spearfishing about 3 days after I got here and have been in the water as much as possible since then. Recently I got PADI certified and have been enjoying SCUBA as well, though I only spear while freediving and never intend to spear on SCUBA. The water here is immaculate. On a good day I have about 150+ ft of visibility, but on average probably about 100 ft. I usually fish at about 45-75 ft though I have done some deeper and some shallower. Most of the fish I go for here are different species of reef fish, (parrot fish, goat fish, unicorn fish, grouper, trevally, snapper etc.) though occasionally I get the chance to go out on a boat and go for larger pelagic species (Mahi, Tuna, Mackerel, Wahoo etc.)
I currently have two main guns. A Cressi Geronimo Pro 95 cm set up with a reel for reef fishing and a Rob Allen 130 cm, also set up with a reel, but heavier duty for blue water fishing.
My reason for posting here. My wife and I are having a baby in August and she has decided that she would like to live closer to family. This means moving to Wisconsin. We'll be living in the Kenosha area, and before I found this page I had thought that I'd be selling all of my dive gear and guns before moving back. Now I have hopes to continue diving and spearing in WI.
What I'm looking for specifically.
I'm not sure how many people in WI are into spearing, but I'm hoping to find some good dive buddies on here to teach me the local ins and outs of spearing in cold fresh water.
2. Advice on gear.
At this point I think that I'll keep my Cressi and probably sell the Rob Allen (maybe use the $ for a nice thick wetsuit!) Is there any reason I'd need a gun that big for fishing in WI? Please let me know. Also, I've become a huge pansy down here in the tropics. I typically dive with a 3mm wetsuit in our 79 degree water and come out cold after 3 hours... How do you guys deal with the cold lake water?
3. General Advice and Local Knowledge
I'm unsure of the regulations in WI, though I've heard that we can't spear gamefish

I'm more than happy to spear carp, as I've heard those are quite a problem up there, but are there any tasty fish we're allowed to take? Also, will I need a floatline and a dive buoy? I'm assuming the waters may be a bit more crowded up there and I'd like to avoid any accidents with boats.
I'm sure there are many more questions I should be asking, but this is long already. Thanks in advance for everything. I look forward to hearing from you soon and likely meeting some of you later this summer. Thanks!