first of all thanks for your interest in my system.
I know the Marc Antoine Berry patent:
Underwater catapult in which the ... - Google Patents
The title of Berry patent ( Jul 5, 2004 ) is :
"Underwater catapult in which the arrow is propelled along the length of the barrel"
This is the title of the antecedent patent ( Not mine) that i mentioned ( April, 30 2001):
"fucile arbalete per la pratica della pesca subacquea munito di elastici che esercitano una trazione dell'asta su tutta la lunghezza del fusto, per garantire una maggiore potenza e gittata."
that translate means:
"speargun for the practice of the underwater fishing provided of rubbers that traction the arrow along the whole length of the barrel, to guarantee a great power and range."
First of all, my question is : How is possible to patent a thing wich is already patented ?
So i think ... that there is an actual problem ( at least in Italy ) in roller patent.
Second, my patent doesn't concern the roller its self, but the idea of load the speargun with a system of handle grip integrated in the gun.
The roller system, how says Mr.x before, is used for decades and is the "prior art".
Am I being wrong in anything ???