Well it's a couple of weeks old, but I just got my photo status updated so that I can post again.
Here's a few shots from my New Year's day dive. There were originally going to be a bunch of divers, both free and scuba, who were going to join me, but the all wussed out at the last minute. Since I was going solo I only dove for an hour, but still got to see a lot of fish, and birds, during that time.
Since the warm water outlet is open all winter, it attracts quite a bit of wild life. I guess that there would have to be close to 500 birds around there, plus all of the musky, carp, crappie, buffolo, blugills, and other fish swimming by in the water. There was even a bald eagle flying circles above me, before he dove in and snagged a muskrat, but I was so enthraled witht he fish that I never even noticed him.
Here's a few shots from my New Year's day dive. There were originally going to be a bunch of divers, both free and scuba, who were going to join me, but the all wussed out at the last minute. Since I was going solo I only dove for an hour, but still got to see a lot of fish, and birds, during that time.
Since the warm water outlet is open all winter, it attracts quite a bit of wild life. I guess that there would have to be close to 500 birds around there, plus all of the musky, carp, crappie, buffolo, blugills, and other fish swimming by in the water. There was even a bald eagle flying circles above me, before he dove in and snagged a muskrat, but I was so enthraled witht he fish that I never even noticed him.
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