laminar said:What I often wonder is what the opponents of the GW idea are afraid of? What are you afraid of? (I have many assumptions on this, but would like to hear it from the horse's mouth - no offence intended). Being wrong (we are all wrong)? Changing a lifestyle in a major way (that's going to happen in the next 50 years whether we like it or not as we run out of oil)? What is it?
Very nice photo Fondueset...
Laminar, that's a really good question. I am afraid of guys like AL Gore, nutjobs who are willing to distort the facts (even as they are percieved by experts in the field) to achieve their goals. WHat are their goals? I have no idea. That's also scary to me. The Kyoto protocal scares me, i'm glad Clinton had the good sense not to sign.
Mostly i'm just afraid of hysteria. Gore made a comment the other day that the earth is doomed to destruction in ten years. And that the events portrayed in the movie The Day After Tomorrow are an accurate protrayal of what we can expect in the future. That is fear mongering, pure and simple. And it's being spewed by argueably the loudest most visible GW proponent out there, a guy who based on his resume should be pretty believable. Most people just are not interested enough or don't have the tiime to research the subject on their own, so they believe stuff like that. Hence, hysteria. The is very scary.
I'm of the opinion that we are doing a good job right now. Other fuels are being actively sought, it's just a matter of time. Oil reserves are finite, change is coming; i just think it should be allowed to come at a natural pace.