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Nice Aida Open 2006

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The CW should've started at 8 am with the deepest dives first, so Herbert propably made the dive already...Just have to wait for the results.
Some Tidbit's via SMS

Herbert - Red Card
Nery - Ok
Jattu - 25m
Ivanovic - Ok
Kinnunen - Ok

Apparently Weine suffered a fairly bad squeeze - hope he's ok
Well even more important then Herbert, Nery or Kinnunen,
BennyB made his 40m dive, in his first CW competition, well done Ben !

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi !

:) :) :)
Hi all,

You can now find the results of the NICE AIDA OPEN 2006 organized by the CIPA in Nice.
A lot of freedivers, loads of work....lots of fun....and many many many surpises...some bad, others VERY good.

Thanks for the ones who came. Thanks for the ones who helped. Thanks for the sponsors ( GESCLUB, BWA, NICE, DIVEPHOTOLIGHT, NOCIBE and all the others )



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Well Done Mark Harris!!!

6th in the world is not too bad!!!!

Can´t wait to back in Chepstow and dive again!

Speak soon!
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C'mon guys,

No details about the competition, highlights and ...lowlights? Yes, i saw the results but they make you even more curious as i see TWO performances over the world record marks, yet both not okayed by the judges. What happened with Herbert? What about Larsen Hanning and that amazing 214m?!?!

Please, a bit of details for those who stayed home... :)

Herbert came up with his tag, but had BO on the surface ( I wasn't there to see this, so can't comment ).

The Larsen Hanning dynamic was amazing, but also resulted in BO. Still amazing to see 4 turns in a 50 metre pool!

Several National records went - USA Dynamic now 149 metres, set by Theo Ivanovic, and CWNF for France now 42 metres by Remi Ferrieri. Also a couple of others.

Lowlights? Weine Gustavsson had a lung fluid problem after his CWT dive and looked in a bad way. He was taken to hospital but was back on his feet the next day, thankfully.

Highlights? For me the good humour and spirit of everyone, and the smooth-running organisation.

Hopefully there will be more postings from others, once they have returned - some of us travelled long distances without flying!
Amazing to see Larsen Hanning doing the last 40m with his arms, as his legs were full of latic acide !!
I don't know how you can get so much will power ... but it was a bite too much !!
Things are changing fast. Five US divers over 70 meters now (six if Will gets his papers). It will be interesting to see how many new divers David Blaine's stunt creates. The last five years have been one heck of a ride. Wonder what the next five will bring.

Rémi said:
Amazing to see Larsen Hanning doing the last 40m with his arms, as his legs were full of latic acide !!
I don't know how you can get so much will power ... but it was a bite too much !!

Any video recorded with both WR attempts? I would be great to see the last part of Larsen's effort - hopefully he'll pull out a valid one in the near future
Thanks for the kind words guys. Was a massive thrill to be able to get past 40m in training but was incredibly annoying that my cold got worse and worse towards the end of the competition. The only reason I could dive at all was the constant nasal rinsing I was doing morning and night. On comp day I had issues getting to 15m in my warm ups so I took it slower on the actual dive, and after 35m or 36m I couldn't equalise at all but managed to get to the plate, albeit with a bit of pressure in the ears. Partly due to the blocked nose but mainly due to inexperience in deep equalisation. You can read Frenzal/Fattah till the cows come home but you need to get in the water to put it into practice - it's not like in the matrix where you plug in and suddenly know Kung Fu :) My D3 screwed up on comp day so registered a dive to 145m in 3 seconds at -87c temp :duh

Highlights for me were Theo's 75m PB in constant weight and his US National record 149m dynamic, Remi's 42m constant no fins French National Record, watching the Stig/Timo/Herbert static challenge (in Guillaume Nery's words over the loudspeaker - "Suspense! Suspense! Suspense!") and watching the Danish guys go nuts in the pool, especially Henning's mammoth 214m... such a slow dynamic, the yells from the crowd when he turned at 200m made the air electric, then the exasperated gasp when he went into LMC. Mentally exhausting stuff! I did video it however the light reflecting on the water meant you can't see most of it. The LMC was not the worst i've seen, he came back relatively quickly. Mark's performances were fantastic to watch too - great constant and static and a PB in dynamic.

Lowlights - Weine's lung squeeze (though great to see him up and about the next day) and Herbert missing the WR.

Though the real dampener on the weekend was when a few of us were having a celebratory beer at a restaurant on Sunday evening and a gang chased a guy into the restaurant and stabbed him... absolutely horrible mindless violence.

Nice is a stunning place to dive, great weather and the best diving conditions i've been in. Francois, Cedric and the rest of the guys are fantastic people, I look forward to seeing them again sometime in the not too distant future.


ps here's a photo of Herbert in the last few seconds of his static.


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BennyB said:
My D3 screwed up on comp day so registered a dive to 145m in 3 seconds at -87c temp :duh

That's a REALLY FAST decent in rather chilly water! rofl

I am actually on the lookout to get a new dive computer and after the latest feedbacks I will not get a D3 for sure. I go for the top, share-style and will use a new F1 with the guys from AIDA Hungary!

But back to Nice, great highlights indeed, make one consider (and train hard) to come to Nice next year!

woo hoo! well done mark, Theo, Benny and well done Remi...

a French Record - trained for in the deep dark depths of SaltFree.... : )

any other Frenchies want to come and train in the real stuff?????

BennyB said:
My D3 screwed up on comp day so registered a dive to 145m in 3 seconds at -87c temp :duh

If it's not an dying battery, I suggest you send it to Suunto. They replaced mine, no questions asked, when it was doing similar things...

I don't know if it still works like this, but I basically just put it in a box with a note "it's broken" and sent it to their main office :) A few days later I received a brand new one. I didn't even have any receits or anything...

Was Henning using a monofin and what was the dive time?
Thanks Simo, it's brand new so i'll send it back. It had 2 days of similar readings and 2 days in between that were fine. Strange indeed. Bought it to replace my older style one which I thought was getting a bit senile. Might hang on to the old one yet!

Henning was using a mono, it might have been one of the andronov-like styles, i'll troll through my photos tonight. Dive time was over 3 minutes but I can check this tonight as well. Henning's style incorporates a long glide in between strokes, probably getting 3-4m of glide. He also told me he's taken on the no breath up, no warm up approach for some time now. Imagine the contractions on that!

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