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Question Not improving

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New Member
Jun 27, 2022
Hello Everyone,

Long time listener first time caller :). I'm hoping to get a little feedback on a frustrating issue that I have been having.
About 3 months ago i got back into freediving/spearfishing. Previously, I would go to the pool do some dynamics and the occasional CO2 table and see some pretty quick improvement. This time it's different, I got certified through padi bought a book "longer and deeper" and have tried to follow a bit more structured training cycle (admittedly not super structured). I have been doing apnea walks, Apnea squats, dynamics, CO2 tables, & sprints. The Issue is i haven't really seen any improvement with my dry static or apnea walk (time). Its just been super frustrating and i'm wondering if there is something wrong. Or am i just being impatient? my dry static is around 2:40 my walking apnea is around 1:10 I notice on most of my dives typically im only underwater a maximum of 55-60 sec with a depth of 35-45 feet. I don't know my max depth yet as i havent had an opportunity to max it. I will say i started using on Oxygen saturation monitor and i cant get it to go below 96% when doing a max dry apnea or walking apnea. This suggested to me maybe i have a terrible CO2 tolerance but i just don't know. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My suggestion, try something different. If your training becomes burdensome or your interest is waning you will likely stall out. Have you practiced Wonka Tables or added a breath-up to your statics incorporating rectangle breathing patterns? Lack of flexibility in your diaphragm and a tight chest will definitely limit your statics, sounds like that would be a very easy change that would give you that extra gain you are looking for. There is a lot more to apnea than just holding your breath.
My suggestion, try something different. If your training becomes burdensome or your interest is waning you will likely stall out. Have you practiced Wonka Tables or added a breath-up to your statics incorporating rectangle breathing patterns? Lack of flexibility in your diaphragm and a tight chest will definitely limit your statics, sounds like that would be a very easy change that would give you that extra gain you are looking for. There is a lot more to apnea than just holding your breath.
Hey 7BDiver,
Thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate the input! I have not tried wonka tables or rectangle breathing (i had to look them up) the theories make a lot of sense to me I'm definitely going to give it a try. I have been doing some stretches but to be honest I haven't felt like they have been to effective. Is there a routine that you would suggest? I have never done yoga before and rather embarrassingly haven't incorporated much stretching into any pre-post exercise. Thanks again for the suggestions!
A stretching regimen can be extensive, one could spend an hour or two doing all the stretches that improve diving. I just do the general stretches for the chest and diaphragm including Uddiyana Bandha, full breath stretching with the arms and bending the spine. Sometimes I need to focus on the psoas or try negative packing exercises to reduce the intensity of contractions. There are a ton of videos on stretching out there and incorporate the stretches that you think improve on your weaknesses.
Hi kj,

You are actually in a good place, lots of room to improve before getting into BO territory. 7Bdiver is right, try something different, for a lot of reasons.

If co2 tolerance is part of your problem (cant tell from your data), you are like me. Greater relaxation, better technique, and practice will help.
Something that helps me, a lot, is half lung, aka FRZ, diving, as a normal, everyday technique(not just for training). Lots of info on these forums. The technique works with the body's physiology and the dive's physics to give longer, more comfortable and probably safer dives. Look it up.
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