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ok finally... photo!!!

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Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

rofl rofl rofl

darn it sands,!!! i am so predictable :wave
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

jimdoe2you said:
OK, Sara, I'm back in Naples.

Here is the "Princess Sara", and what a beauty it was as it passed by!

I have also posted two photos of my wife Diane and I.

I will post a few more in the "getting to know each other" thread as well.



hi Jim
that's really beautiful.. i love wandering around the port looking at yachts, in fact, i love Florida, it's one of the most vibrant places i have visited. It varies in culture and has many interesting looking people, fashions, styles.. i could have hung on on south beach for hours just checking out the sights, the posers, the 'kinis, the 'peedos... ;)

send us more...
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

Jim, I have to say I'm a little worried about your hired crew.

Please tell me you'll not give any three-hour tours to anybody.

I don't care how much money Thurston Howell III throws at you.


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Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!


Ahhhhhh, ...................now that is rep. well earned!

I hope you're as good a diver as you are talented and funny????

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

Mark Laboccetta said:
Not my wife she's a sport! :) Jim, considering I've never gotten to be a judge for anything before what can I say, I'm flattered. Your wife is a sport too!
While all the ladies are beautiful so far, here's my submission for best bikinis :D Lydia and her sister. Jane on the L and Lydia on the R in 2002 in Hatteras. Yes, I know how to exploit my loved ones for good marketing purposes... rofl


'Jane and Lydia do they both do spearfishing freediving?
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

Oooh La La ... where are my shades??? :cool:
Re: DB girlfriend contest

icarus pacific said:
While Sven is off SAT(?) diving in the Gulf repairing some cables or whatever, he takes an occasional moment to get his mail and told me about this DG gals section and urged me to submit. Kerry

Alright! Thanks Kerry, Sven is smoother with the ladies that I'd given him credit for, I thought it as just good keyboard antics. Or maybe you're just a saint for putting up with him :D Good entry, it's a tight race!

YES, my wife is a diver otherwise I wouldn't have married her, or rather maybe she wouldn't have married me. It takes one to know one. No membership from her I'm afraid though, too busy with Med school :head And she's a woman of many masks. So we can leave her out of the contest!
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!! you are smiling at the end....... :D I told you you look more pretty when you are smiling ;)

vivien said:
Ok Amphibious! Especially for you a Parka Picture of mine taken last week.
rofl rofl rofl
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

Memo said:
I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!! you are smiling at the end....... :D I told you you look more pretty when you are smiling ;)

thank you memo...:D :D :D
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

vivien said:
Ok Amphibious! Especially for you a Parka Picture of mine taken last week.
rofl rofl rofl

wow! look at that snow.. brrr

nice smile too ;)
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

vivien said:
...a Parka Picture of mine taken last week.
rofl rofl rofl

That is the cutest little spaceman I've ever seen :).

And thank you for illustrating where all the hot women go in the winter (for those of us "unfortunate" enough to actually have seasons) - BEHIND THEIR DAMN PARKAs. :vangry . They disappear for so long every winter, that when spring finally arrives, and all the women emerge from their textile cocoons, we men have to walk around like 18-year-old viagra O.D.'s for a month until we can acclimate ourselves to the (sweet sweet) site of cleavage.
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Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

vivien said:
Ok Amphibious! Especially for you a Parka Picture of mine taken last week.
rofl rofl rofl

I love you :D
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Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

OK! I;ll be slowly going through the 400+ posts and putting together a lineup for the voting! so look for it for tomorrow :D
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

unirdna - good observations :) But our vivien shows something about the loveliness of parkas.
Must be the cheese.

unirdna said:
We men have to walk around like 18-year-old viagra O.D.'s for a month until we can acclimate ourselves to the (sweet sweet) site of cleavage.

And some of us never recover. Or want to. :king
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

Contest is up :D check the "Contests" forum :D
Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

vivien said:
Ok Amphibious! Especially for you a Parka Picture of mine taken last week.
rofl rofl rofl

Wow i never thought that an Anorak could be that sexy!! You actually can see the snow melting so to speak ... :)
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Re: ok finally... Island_Sands bikini photo!!!

unirdna said:
They disappear for so long every winter, that when spring finally arrives, and all the women emerge from their textile cocoons, we men have to walk around like 18-year-old viagra O.D.'s for a month until we can acclimate ourselves to the (sweet sweet) site of cleavage.

Yum. That's why you have to like winter amigo... anticipation :p
Erik Y.
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