It is instructing you to push the line release back before you cock the gun, hence the finger pointing at an image of the line release arm. However if you had no idea what the inside of the line release arm looked like it might not be immediately obvious. I expect it is the last line of defence if a new owner peels the red sticker off and never looks in the instruction book before loading the gun and they can say “we tried” at any future inquest."Warning! We made the world's heaviest muzzle so YOU HAVE to buy our larger, uglier, foam nose cone to alleviate wrist pain!".
Just kidding, of course - what's the real warning about?
Actually, the 120 is very well balanced but perhaps the shorter guns are not.
Basically they made a potentially dangerous to load gun which can shoot as soon as you take your hand off the loading bar and rather than fix it they have resorted to signs and stickers. Omitting a strong return spring also saved money.
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