indeed Umberto Pelizzari was one of the first users of carbon blades made by C4, but that was
19 years ago, while the new C4 T700 blades have been on the market for only
19 months now.
I don't know if Will and Umberto have tried the newer C4 type T700 and wether they liked them or not, but as a matter of fact everyone says the T700 are so much better than the previous C4 models.
As a proud italian, I'm happy to see Merou highlighted here on DB: it's not among the most famous companies, but they've been working with carbon fiber for more than a decade and are well regarded for high quality products.
You can buy Merou products directly from factory (in Naples Italy, not Naples Florida). Carbon blades are out for only 200 Euro a pair+shipping. You may check here:
Merou - Passione profonda. Click on the "downloads" button on the left of the homepage, then select "Listini" (price lists), and scroll down to
Pale in carbonio (carbon blades) and you will realize that the price is actually 200 Euro, one of the best bargains you can find for a pair of quality CF blades.
In North America the Merou products are distributed by Hammerhead (or at least they used to till recently) and I remember reading somewhere that they also have a partnership in Australia with Edge company.
Hope this helps and no, I'm not self promoting myself for any salesman position...