I just saw that Herbert used a version of my mask for his record - I hadn't seen that before - LOL - maybe I should put a patent on it - double LOL - nice one Herbert
anyway - since I can't find the charger for my Video camera to take pics for you guys i'll give you the best explanation I can anyway.....so here goes...
1. Take the mask and a hole punch, you need to turn the mask and place the hole punch right into the corner and make a hole:
Take care doing this not to split the skirt of the mask!!!!!
Hole punch - available from most stationary stores:
2. Once the hole has been made it's all over Ladies and Gents, what you need to do next is use the "Blue Bit" which is actually a compressor air line fitment, cut the top off using a hacksaw (pictured above) so you can breath through it, then screw it into the hole, puch the pipe onto it and thats it - finished. It really is that easy, the only thing you guys need are more photos, and the link to the site I got the blue bit from - which I will post ASAP...
The arrow on the compressor part nut points to where you have to chop the top off it, as the nut is sealed to block off an airway, we want to open it to breath through it, put it in a vice an lop the top off, and it makes for the other side of the seal on the silicon......
The compressor valve fits snugly into the silicon hole, thus making it's own seal, I have tested it to around 40m and it's fine*.
I will post more close up pics of each bit of equipment when I take the photos.
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