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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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can someone help me clear up my confusion...This may seem dumb but why would you need a pipe mask? why not just use a low volume full face and exhale through your nose? what am I missing?

Allows you yo equalize hands free. Keeps you more streamlined. Less movement, so less O2 used by your arms.

Holding your nose is a major pain in the butt. Equalizing hands free is going to feel really great.
So I guess it's the inexpensive way around buying fluid goggles then...very interesting in deed...Does AIDA allow these in competitions?
David- how is the vision underwater with the fuid goggles? Would you wear them for fun?

You may want to check to see if they ship to the US - I don't think they do.....

If you want some and can't get em, gimme your address - i'll send em to you.....

Thanks Crispin, if you could send me one that would be great. Let me know how much I owe you and I will send you a money order. I will give you my address in a private email.
Me too

Hi Crispin
I'm interested too in a pipemask.
But I live a little far from you
How can you send it to me?, And what will be the cost of it?
Here are others freedivers interested on it
If people want them made - i'll make them, like I said above, i'll charge you for the cost of the materials, and i'll post that cost, i'll also charge $10 for my labour, and whatever the posting costs, as well - I think thats fair....but if you guys are going to be in Hawaii then i'll bring some with me......

email is


for anyone whos interested.
I made an ultra low volume pipemask from an old pair of swimming goggles (2 pipes) I'll post pics as soon as I get hold of a digital cam.

I drilled the holes in the hard plastic and hot-glued (is that the proper english word for the kind of glue you melt with a sort of pistol) the pipes in applying a lot of glue.
I've tested them down to 20m and they worked fine.
Originally posted by JimGlynn
David- how is the vision underwater with the fuid goggles? Would you wear them for fun?

Hi Jim,
The fluid goggles I never wear for recreational freediving...Only for training for deep dives. It definately takes a bit of getting used to...the vision is pretty decent if you find the right goggle for your eyes...I have one pair that for me it's "almost" like wearing a mask as far as clarity...I got a second pair and it's not half as good because of the lens offset (distance from the eye)...but when you do get the right goggle for your eyes the vision is really great and they do their job well...there's nothing like not haveing to mess with the equalizing a mask just smothe equalization all the way down...but then for folks who just want to do some recreational freediving they are a bit expensive but have been coming down in price...my first pair I bought were $395 usd if I remember right. I think you can now buy the lenses only for $175 usd or somewhere in there and then mount them in the goggle yourself...this is the option I chose as to manipulate the offset to make them like the pair that are perfect. I think soon Fattah will start to make them in different goggle powers for different people but then it will still boil down to trial and error to get the right pair for your eyes. Don't get me wrong, any fluid goggle you put on you will be able to see somewhat clearly but the right pair does make a difference...

Ok, off to work...adios and safe dives dudes!


Aida dissallows modified or home built masks, volume reducers and nose clips in diving competition. Flooding is also not allowed. Mask must be a standard off the shelf product.

For record attempts however, i dont know.


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