more from gullet of Rico
This one flat out slays 'em!!
Get a Salmon fillet, skinned and boned. I know, you can't shoot salmon, but she doesn't...

Butterfly that bad boy and then between a couple of pieces of wax paper, roll or gently flatten the two halves to about 1/4" thickness. Place this on a sheet of parchment paper.
Julienne a couple of leeks in butter until wilted and soft. Layer these on the salmon. With care and grace befitting a chef, roll the salmon/leek into a tight roll, twisting the ends of the paper to seal, and place in the fridge for an hour or so.
While it's chillin', mix the juice of 3-4 tomatoes w/o seeds and a cucumber with 2-3 tablespoons of mayonaisse. Strain real well and let it chill for an hour too.
Take the paper of of the salmon roll. Lay a piece of aluminum foil out flat and sprinkle a small amount of really virgin :t olive oil on the foil and spread around. Sprinkle a good dose of coarse black pepper on the oil/foil and lay the fish roll in the center. Roll the fish roll in the pepper and then completely roll the fish in the foil, again, really tight.
On a HOT flat plate or tray, roll the foil wrapped fish back and forth on the HOT plate for about 4-5 minutes. It's done when the roll is slightly firm to finger pressure. Remove from the heat and go do the artsy stuff...
Like taking the tomato/mayo sauce and spreading a thin layer on your plate, and placing a fan of asparagus and lemon slices in a nice pattern. Slice through the foil and fish about 1" thick, like a loaf of bread, peel the foil off and place artfully on the sauced plate. Drip a little sauce onto the fish, place with a flourish on the table. Figure two or three pieces per person, four if she's a grain-fed gal. :rcard
I've not tried this with other fish as the oil in the salmon is what makes this posible, but I've got to figure you could swing it with a slab of tuna. But whatever this is the one that'll get you noticed! All you have to do now is hope her tests come back negative.
sven suave