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Reloaded - The BlueSkunk Bubble Ring Challenge 2006

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Only one ring around Uranus?

(I got plenty of these coming:D )
Submission deadline extended

since we have received requests by a few bubble athletes who can't make their contributions in time for various reasons we have extended the submission deadline from the 30th september to the 10th of october.


ps: farid, no excuses now, where's the mummy?
Here my pics for the competition :)



immerlustig said:
3. Any submitted photo must, obviously, contain at least one bubble ring. The size of submitted photos must be 600x800.

Be careful guys. I don't know how strict Roland is though...


The size of submitted photos must be 600x800.

i just rephrased that:
The size of submitted photos should be 600x800.

the picture size has the purpose to keep volume limited, especially since pix of modern cameras are often in the + 1 MB region.

we obviously wouldn't disqualify an athlete for such a minor technicality. this championship is all about performances of the respective athletes and rules must therefore be limited to the lowest possible degree and decisions will always be made in favour of the athlete.




ps. @Frank Pernett: Thanks for playing underwater model;-) I will send you some more pictures per email in about one week.

nice greetings to Columbia from Dahab, Egypt
Huuuge!:inlove Good one jesper. Missing everyone and meeting at Buddah.:friday
johnnyb said:
hi boys and girls

here are my entries.



I laughed even more compared to the arse bubble.

Definitely the most original photos, I think he would get my winner vote...

almost in the dead line, but better late than never.

Ps: Thanks Roland :)


  • frank1.jpg
    67.7 KB · Views: 122
  • frank2.jpg
    79.3 KB · Views: 121

the deadline has passed and no more contributions will be allowed.

good luck to all participating athletes. may the best one win :t

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