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Rob Allen guns????

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New Member
Dec 3, 2002
hey spearos, whats the deal with Rob Allen guns, i finally found some pictures of them. What is so great about these guns? although they do look pretty bad ass. and why are they called rail guns? do they have to use a RA shaft? thanks. greg
This is the world's most powerful and accurate gun !!!!!
Have been known to slice Great White shark like butter.
The band it uses is from NASA space program where astronots are teethered to the space shuttle and need some sort of bungie effect.

If you can load one of this gun, a 2 x 20mm rubbers it offered will shoot thru anything except a 30 foot sperm whale.

Next year they will introduce a new rail gun, which is the real RAIL GUN. You see rail gun comes from the real rail gun developed at MIT, in ur country. The latest rail gun will feature a small power pack to operate the rail gun cause the real RAIL GUN uses Mag Lev technology. If you do not know Mag Lev, it is the same Magenetic Levetation system used on the new 300 MPH super train. No more friction, super magnets are used. Look Mom No Bands !!!!!

No more resistance or drag to worry, this new rail gun will be the fisrt gun to break the 1,200 feet per second speed barrier. So, if you encounter fishes with great hearing, we can take them as DEAF fishes and they will get penetrated before they even can exchange seawater to oxygen in their gills. My.... my, I heard this is only available for US resident and a big NO-NO for export, cause they are afraid if Saddam Hussein will get one of these and can poke a hole thru Bush big ass.

Check out www.railgunMIT.com

Good luck
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Sounds like IYA has quit smoking!rofl
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WOW IYA!!! Who pulled your string? roflrofl

Did you quit smoking? Are you having nicotine fits?

Or maybe suckin' back on some of Grandpa's ol' cough medicine?
:friday :friday :friday
Quit smoking?

No it seems he starts to smoke weed:waterwork
yeah, what I'm smoking right now. I mean uh, my roommate............what?
Whee , Iya is on a roll . Sounds like he's got his ass on a "mag Lev " rofl
Hang in there Iya , after a couple of weeks the nicotine withdrawal gets easier .:D
Actually Iya..

..30ft sperm whale should not pose a problem for complete penetration unless you hit him in the spine. You will kill him for sure but unless your rubbers are a bit shortened or if your speartip is a bit dulled from hitting rocks, it may not exit the other side.

He he he he :D :D

Whatz diz you guyz zuzt saidz.....(eyes red & stoned ), howz comez zthe roomz zo smokey.... ?

Wha ha ha ha.

The real RAIL GUN exist using some sort of electromagnetic power to launch a projectile but the size is like two car put together.............:eek: , oh yes, you need super big size generator to feed power to it. They plan to shoot sattelite into orbit with stuff like this.....imagine what it will do to any fish...:head
Heebes , on a railgun the spear rests in a shallow groove on top of the barrel . This means there is far less whipping of the spear when fired , increasing accuracy dramatically . Originally introduced by Rob Allen this is now available in many brands AFAIK .
Once you've tried it , you search for the best will be over ...:D
good learner gun

Here's the little lovely I learned with (going on four years of use now). Oh, I'm getting greedy now and upgrading to Riffe, but I wouldn't have wanted Riffe for my first gun. JBL spearpoints are stainless, cheap ($7) and easy to sharpen. The guns are easy to repair and can take a beating (just don't ever tighten a spearpoint while the shaft is locked in the trigger mechanism :duh). And don't worry about landing fish.....it will happen. This gun will teach you how to stalk; not just take long-range pot-shots (which I am now going to do with my new Riffe :D - j/k ;) )

For 100 bones, you'll be well on your way. Or spend an extra 30 and get a .38 NW. Either way, you can't lose - even if you upgrade in a couple of years, I guarantee you will still have a use for one of these scrappers.


*I don't know if these are true "railguns" (since I have no experiece with Rob Allen guns), but they do have a glide track attached to the top of the barrel to prevent shaft-whip.

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Actualy Mr Rob Allen himself took the opportunity of selling a Euro gun with a shaft groove and track and hence call it RAIL. He he he.

What is so knew about having a glide path for the shaft ? JBL has that. Non enclosed track Riffe has been having that since day 1. Now the Metal Tech even goes one step further by having enclosed track.

RA is one of the rare Euro with shaft groove he called RAIL, so it is like something new for a type of gun that never have such simple feature.........and it worked. It is simply a copy of any nice teak gun that has a shaft groove. Well before Mr Rob Allen even dive, guys like Riffe, Alexander and Prodonovich have been making shaft groove, the only logical thing to do to launch a shaft out of the gun anyway.

I can not figure out why most Euro do not use full RAIL like RA or like JBL for instance. Money saving scheme or they were not serious back then.....I don't know. It is such a pity that the Euro gun with long time tradition simply get whacked by a new comer from RA.....my my. I realy think guys like Rob Allen is a must for the spearo, let the other Euro guns realized that they are behind time.

I have heard that a eurogun can be just as accurate without a rail. Apparently Cressi Subs newest gun has not got a rail unlike the Comanche Carbon that does. Omer haven't got a rail and neither has the so called Ferrari or euroguns the C4 Monoscocca.

The above guns are all deadly accurate.
has anyone tried to have one of those c4 guns, they look pretty sick to me. kinda wierd shape, looks pretty slick yea?


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haven't tried one.... but very very sexy - I want one now!!!


my sweety!

Two big thumbs and a stubby up for those JBL Customs!! :inlove
Easily the best starter gun going and the mainstay of this guy's quiver.

Octo Aaron here just became a convert to one of these stainless launchers after having some smooth applied to it by yours truly. The "stoopid" No Cal fish here have another reason to stay in their holes!!

I've been epoxying a strip of delrin and later UHMW to the tops of the barrels of all my guns since seeing the gouges in the barrel caused by the shaft whipping, especially when overpowered by shortened 5/8 bands. Having wrapped the barrel with black electrical tape to "hide" the thing, the shaft would scrape the tape off- a sign of the shaft whipping. Now that JBL sells the tracks, it's a no brainer. I even put them on my hybrids.

How many 5/8 bands can you cram on a custom?

Might be an interesting toy over powered.

Still Prefer the NW-Special over the Custom. More Power! Just saw the Buttstock down about 3in. Remember to swap out the bands for 5/8and trim them to 13", 14", and 15". Stock length is 3x 9/16 @ 16". four or five coats of "RustCoat" flat black paint is a good idea, what I did to mine - no more pitting from scratchs! and that hardcore SEAL look when you're crawling back on the beach (not a good thing growing up in Saudi Arabia - oops)

Still Trying to Decide what tip I like best - currently have rotating twin-barb with a 4" span. might look into Slip tip or 5-prong as Hunting HAlibut in Feb.

My Primo Grouper/hole gun.

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Might be an interesting TOY??

Whatever... These things when built up right, purely kick arse! Of course the owner's got to have some stones too. :king

The 38 and NW Specials are too long for down here, though they're great 'butt guns in Monterey when the water clears a bit. A custom will take 2- 5/8 bands which is plenty, shortened to 10-1/2" before you have to start doing grip exercises to pull the trigger. This supposes that the rubber you're using has a fairly high modulus of elasticity, it stretches... The trigger will hold up fine, but keep an eye on the wishbones and especially the whipping keeping the balls of the wishbone in place. The rubbers stretched to this degree have an alarming desire to self destruct taking your concentration with them.

You start working that barrel in the rocks and such, that paint will tell you to put tape over it, especially for that bull***** macho SEAL look... :girlie Nobody here particularly likes carrying a can of Rustoleum with them for between dive touchups.

I don't know that I'd go with a full-on sliptip, but a regular ol' JBL detachable has been working for me, along with the backup having a five prong.

:girlie SEAL????? I'll let you tell them that.... :duh

No, I try to look as "non militant" as possible - but the Security Forces (locals) get a little jumpy over there when I guy pops out of the water all in black, with a big blck tube in his hands. Best hunting is next to a large base....

Always had a problem with black electrical tabe and it comming off after a few dives - this paint seems to make a pretty hard finish, and resists scraping - and I use it for coral hole fishing back home- I do give a new coat about twice a year.

We were buying Euro bands and fitting them to our JBLs, but when they broke we neer had much sucess with getting those evil threaded rings back on the rubber. Any suggestions?

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