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Root Canal Therapy

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Digital Hunter
Jul 30, 2002
I'm starting "treatment" tommorow to fix a tooth gone rotten underneath an old filling.

Anyone have any idea how long, or if, I should avoid diving? What depths I should avoid etc?

My dentist only had a blank look for me when I asked what the deal was with diving... He didn't believe me when I said 10m was a fairly normal dive.
What depths I should avoid etc?
I'd say 10m should be fine, but avoid 5m.;)

Really, as long as he doesn't leave any air pockets, which he shouldn't anyway, you won't get tooth squeeze. So I wouldn't think there would be a problem after the meds wear off and your comfortable with it.:)

Shadow I had root canal treatment about 3 months ago it was cos I was getting teeth squeeze when diving. I had it done and I must say its better than it was but sometimes I still get damn teeth squeeze :(

I went scuba diving the next day so I dont know if theres much difference to scuba maybe cos you ascend quicker it may cos probs but I think not.

I have had them and still was diving in a day or two. No problems afterwards.

I was fortunate enough to certify my dentist about 10 years ago. She went on to become part of the diving dentists society. I have since moved to a new city, but still drive the 70 miles to go back to see her. She understands the problems with air pockets in the teeth while diving- the main problems that I am aware of come from air pockets.

Where's Aquilies on this topic?? Isn't he some kind of a tooth doctor??;)
I had a root canal over a year ago. The abcess I had was so bad that the infection actually traveled into my sinuses and caused my nose and eyes to swell considerably.

Since then, when I have a long day freediving, my tooth will ache. My dentist and I have come to the conclusion that the aching is not due to tooth squeeze, but from equalizing. He thinks that there is likely a small passage from my tooth to my sinuses (that's why my nose swelled up) and every time I equalize I'm putting pressure on the tooth from the inside.

Jason Billows
Ottawa, Canada
Thanks Jason... Here come the nightmares...;)

Just got back from the "filing out of nerve stuff" part of the procedure... Some swelling, some pain but not too bad.

I guess the test will be this weekends diving..:hmm
Well, I only managed 33ft today after work, the ocean floor prevented deeper diving! :D

No probs so far! Definitely no air bubbles in the canal fillings.
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