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Sardinia spearfishing

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Welcome to Deeper Blue Ivan, like you say “nice Bass and Pollock”, and a hefty gun that you’re using to shoot them with. Looks like a really nice tool, what is it, custom made or bought through a spearo shop?

Hi Ivan,
- Yes: Orosei, Capo Comino, San Teodoro, better with a boat.
- Yes: best west, Capo Spartivento, Capo Malfatano, Porto Pino,
Sant'Antioco and San Pietro islands, and more.
- From Setti Ballas (Seven Balls) to Olbia abaut 3,5 - 4 hours.
- At that time I work, but if you come to Guspini (southwest
Sardinia), We can make a "sortie" in the Oristano Gulf or
Piscinas. Do not guarantee anything but beautiful spots, 20 -25
metres of vertical visibility.

A si biri. Mauro
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Welcome to Deeper Blue Ivan, like you say “nice Bass and Pollock”, and a hefty gun that you’re using to shoot them with. Looks like a really nice tool, what is it, custom made or bought through a spearo shop?

Thanks for welcoming me !
The gun is not mine, I was only testing it. it's custom made by a friend, not commercialized unfortunately.
There's a lot of current and I perfer a basic gun Marc Valentin, 100 com or 110 cm, easier to move.

Hello Mauro,

I thank you very much for these informations and your proposal.

I would love to go spearfishing with you of course. Why not a stop close to Guspini on our way back to Cagliari around the 24th or 25th of july. I could propose that to my friends (they don't dive).
The coast in Buggeru looks nice and it is close to Guspini. Would it be a nice place to stay and sleep ? Or do you advise me to go somewhere else (Oristano dose'nt look particularly nice...) ?

I apologize not speaking italian....


Good luck with the trip Ivan, looking forward to seeing your catch reports and photos...
I cant beleive my underwater housing packed up the week before i'm due to go!!
Good luck with the trip Ivan, looking forward to seeing your catch reports and photos...
I cant beleive my underwater housing packed up the week before i'm due to go!!

Thank you Jonny an sorry for you. Did you find a solution ?
If I catch something nice, I'll send pictures I promise

Oristano is a good spot for spearfishing.
Saluti. Mauro
Hello Mauro,

I made my schedule for my holiday in Sardinia and I will remain around Orosei.

I shall nevertheless be a night in Bosa on Saturday the 25th and I shall go back towards Cagliari on Sunday afternoon.

I'm still interesested if you have any suggestion

I thank you again for your advice and wish you the best



I'm sorry but we hardly see. Orosei is very nice spot. A my friend he captured a 300 lb tuna in the 2009 year. But needed a boat and a guide.
Bosa is an other very nice spot, Capo Marargiu at north and Corona Niedda at south. But needed a boat and a guide. For a little "sortie" without boat, is nice the Turas beach. 20 minutes of finning to southwest direction, from 15 to 22-25 metres deep: sar, crob, merou and wrasse.

Saludos. Mauro.
I realize this is a bit of an old thread, but I'm gonna send out a post anyway!

I've read all the posts on Sardinia/Sardegna that i can find, and am hoping to come into contact with someone living there who might be going out in the next few weeks. I'm going to be in Sardinia this September 15th - 29th just exploring the island with my gf and have read through a ton of posts/sites talking up Sardinia as a great location. I'm fairly new to the sport (and the forum here) but i'm really just hoping to meet some people who would like to help out a new guy to get better. Currently, i'm traveling the world for 9 months and I'm traveling pretty light, so for me to get out into the water i'm really hoping to find some nice people who want their gear carried to the beach/boat
in exchange for offering some technique and strategy to a beginner. I've actually hunted 4 times and did ok each time, but i'm looking to get further into the sport. Hope to hear from someone out there!

PS. If anyone might not be available, but know of a local guide or anything or even a place to rent gear, i think it would get me started in the right direction.

All this info... fantastic job everyone... don't you just love internet?

Edited to say THANK YOU ALL !
Hello, guys! I'm new here and interested in Sardinia spearfishing. We would like to visit Sardinia at end of July or 5-15 of August. As I see from 1-2 pages of this thread, at the north are lot of place for spearfishing without boat. So, some questions:

1. What can you say about spearfishing at this time? Is a lot of fish there? How deep it usually stay?
2. About gun. I have 70cm airgun, which I usually use in fresh water - lakes, rivers. Is it OK, or I need 100-120cm bandgun? I'm not very experienced guy and long range shoots not for me
Hello everyone! I'm going to Sardinia in July. Could anybody please recommend some locations good for recreational freediving from shore (depth up to 25m)? I'm especially interested in nice underwater rock formations, swim throughs, and marine life. Which part of the island would be best for me to stay at?
Reactions: Savagedragon
Hi Marcin
I'm thinking about going to Sardinia this August. I'd love to hear your firsthand experience later!
Dear Spearos,

on my last vacation Diving Gecko was so kind to help me out and everything ended just perfect. So I thought I could test my luck again and ask a few questions here.

.) I read that it is (or was) forbidden to carry a dive light while spearfishing in Sardinia. Is that true?

.) My friend won't carry my speargun in his car, untill I can show him some "official" paper or laws that it is perfectly legal to transport a speargun over the border by car. Till now I had no luck (officials in Italy are not responding to e-mails for months). I showed him every single piece of information on the Internet, stating that it is legal, but he remains stubborn. Any Idea how I could manage this? I found NO link to Italian gun laws on the internet, till now.

.) Could you give me some Infos about the currents surrounding Olbia (in September) ? I mean is it safe in general? I know things can change quickly

Have a good day
Hi Niceguy27,
I'm sorry but I can't answer to 1st and 3rd questions.

Regarding the transport of the speargun in the car (2nd question) , this is the law to refer to: article 4 Law nr. 110 year 1975 (in Italian art. 4 L. 110/75).
To sum up, you cannot transport or have on yourself items that can be used to injure someone without a justified reason.
For example: you can carry a baseball bat if you are going to play or practice; but you can't do it if you're going to the disco. You can carry a billhook if you are a farmer; you can't if you're going to the pub on Saturday night; you can carry the speargun if you are going fishing (with wetsuit, mask, snorkel, fins) but you can't do it if you're going to a party.

Of course, you should carry knives, billhooks, spear guns or other items in the car trunk; not close to your hands.

All the best, Roberto
Translation of the yellow words:

No weapons, trunks or iron rods, truncheons, electric stun nipples and other similar devices capable of delivering an electrocution (1) can be taken out of their home or belonging to it. Sticks with sharp points, pointed or cutting tools to offend, clubs, tubes, chains, slings, bolts, metal spheres, or any other instrument not expressly considered as a pointy or cutting weapon, clearby usable, due to the circumstances of time and place, for the offense to the person, can not be carried out of their home or belonging to it without a justified reason.

Art.4 L. 110/75

Salve le autorizzazioni previste dal terzo comma dell'articolo 42 del testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza 18 giugno 1931, numero 773 , e successive modificazioni, non possono essere portati, fuori della propria abitazione o delle appartenenze di essa, armi, mazze ferrate o bastoni ferrati, sfollagente, noccoliere storditori elettrici e altri apparecchi analoghi in grado di erogare una elettrocuzione (1). Senza giustificato motivo, non possono portarsi, fuori della propria abitazione o delle appartenenze di essa, bastoni muniti di puntale acuminato, strumenti da punta o da taglio atti ad offendere, mazze, tubi, catene, fionde, bulloni, sfere metalliche, nonché qualsiasi altro strumento non considerato espressamente come arma da punta o da taglio, chiaramente utilizzabile, per le circostanze di tempo e di luogo, per l'offesa alla persona, gli strumenti di cui all’articolo 5, quarto comma, nonché i puntatori laser o oggetti con funzione di puntatori laser, di classe pari o superiore a 3 b, secondo le norme CEI EN 60825- 1, CEI EN 60825- 1/A11, CEI EN 60825- 4 (2). Il contravventore è punito con l’arresto da sei mesi a due anni e con l'ammenda da 1.000 euro a 10.000 euro. Nei casi di lieve entità, riferibili al porto dei soli oggetti atti ad offendere, può essere irrogata la sola pena dell'ammenda. La pena è aumentata se il fatto avviene nel corso o in occasione di manifestazioni sportive (3). È vietato portare armi nelle riunioni pubbliche anche alle persone munite di licenza. Il trasgressore è punito con l’arresto da uno a tre anni e con l’ammenda da 3.000 euro a 20.000 euro. La pena è dell’arresto da tre a sei anni e dell’ammenda da 5.000 euro a 20.000 euro quando il fatto è commesso da persona non munita di licenza (4). Chiunque, all'infuori dei casi previsti nel comma precedente, porta in una riunione pubblica uno strumento ricompreso tra quelli indicati nel primo o nel secondo comma, è punito con l’arresto da sei a diciotto mesi e con l’ammenda da 2.000 euro a 20.000 euro (5). La pena prevista dal terzo comma è raddoppiata quando ricorre una delle circostanze previste dall’articolo 4, secondo comma, della legge 2 ottobre 1967, n. 895, salvo che l’uso costituisca elemento costitutivo o circostanza aggravante specifica per il reato commesso (6). Gli ufficiali ed agenti di polizia giudiziaria devono procedere all'arresto di chiunque sia colto in flagranza di trasgressione alle norme dei precedenti commi quarto e quinto (7). Con la condanna deve essere disposta la confisca delle armi e degli altri oggetti atti ad offendere. Sono abrogati l'articolo 19 e il primo e secondo comma dell'articolo 42 del testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza 18 giugno 1931, n. 773 , e successive modificazioni. Non sono considerate armi ai fini delle disposizioni penali di questo articolo le aste di bandiere, dei cartelli e degli striscioni usate nelle pubbliche manifestazioni e nei cortei, né gli altri oggetti simbolici usati nelle stesse circostanze, salvo che non vengano adoperati come oggetti contundenti. (1) Comma così modificato dal numero 1) della lettera b) del comma 1 dell’art. 5, D.Lgs. 26 ottobre 2010, n. 204, a decorrere dal 1° luglio 2011, ai sensi di quanto disposto dal comma 1 dell’art. 8 dello stesso D.Lgs. n. 204/2010. (2) Comma così modificato dal numero 2) della lettera b) del comma 1 dell’art. 5, D.Lgs. 26 ottobre 2010, n. 204, a decorrere dal 1° luglio 2011, ai sensi di quanto disposto dal comma 1 dell’art. 8 dello stesso D.Lgs. n. 204/2010. (3) Comma così modificato prima dall'art. 113, quarto comma, L. 24 novembre 1981, n. 689 poi dall'art. 2, D.L. 20 agosto 2001, n. 336, come modificato dalla relativa legge di conversione e, infine, dal numero 3) della lettera b) del comma 1 dell’art. 5, D.Lgs. 26 ottobre 2010, n. 204, a decorrere dal 1° luglio 2011, ai sensi di quanto disposto dal comma 1 dell’art. 8 dello stesso D.Lgs. n. 204/2010. (4) Comma così modificato prima dall'art. 113, quarto comma, L. 24 novembre 1981, n. 689 e poi dal numero 4) della lettera b) del comma 1 dell’art. 5, D.Lgs. 26 ottobre 2010, n. 204, a decorrere dal 1° luglio 2011, ai sensi di quanto disposto dal comma 1 dell’art. 8 dello stesso D.Lgs. n. 204/2010. (5) Comma così modificato prima dall'art. 113, quarto comma, L. 24 novembre 1981, n. 689 e poi dal numero 5) della lettera b) del comma 1 dell’art. 5, D.Lgs. 26 ottobre 2010, n. 204, a decorrere dal 1° luglio 2011, ai sensi di quanto disposto dal comma 1 dell’art. 8 dello stesso D.Lgs. n. 204/2010. (6) Comma così sostituito dal comma 31 dell’art. 3, L. 15 luglio 2009, n. 94. (7) Comma soppresso dall'art. 8, D.L. 26 aprile 1993, n. 122
Edit in red

Of course, only if you have a good reason as above written, you should carry knives, billhooks, spear guns or other items in the car trunk; not close to your hands

I don't live in Sardinia, but some friends of mine who live there told me that using of dive torch during spearfishing sessions is allowed. Keep in mind that spearfishing is forbidden during the night, you can do it only from sunrise until sunset.
Oh man, thats nice. I think that should be enough to make him carry my gear. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
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