But I am not arguing in their favor, they can come here and stand up and be accountable for their own actions. What I am doing is trying to suggest not everything we read in the media is clear cut and we need to take things with a grain of sand.
Some may be victimized by their leaders, but frankly this happens in most countries… you telling me no one gets screwed by their government in the US. We are constantly getting screwed here in Ireland!!
And the country is not run by religious fanatics… perhaps it suits them to have us believe that, but these are some very intelligent people running that country…most have been third level education (and higher) at USA or UK ivy league institutions. They understand one thing… money… Religious leaders cannot build up a country in terms of infrastructure, resources, employment, economy. Religious leaders cannot build anything besides cults or groups of fanatics. I wouldn’t blend them in the same argument.
And, what do you mean though by middle ages? I mean they have internet, satellite, money, some of the fanciest cars and bikes I have seen anywhere in the world as well as some of the most luxurious resorts (Dubai I know…but wow!!
The Palm Trilogy ), theme parks and hotels and restaurants... They live in mansions and are mostly affluent… frankly I’d not be surprised if they came to the west, had a look around and though “we” were living in the middle ages.
You think beheading someone is from the middle ages… well I actually would agree with you there…
But I guarantee you “these people” are on their own internet forums, and sitting down for breakfast reading their own newspapers in shock and horror at other things in the world they consider barbaric and coming from the middle ages.
I suppose things like Guantanamo Bay… the denial of human rights and torture that went on there, lovely things like [ame=""]Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] . The americans actually hung Japanese soldiers for using this technique during WWII but yet used it themselves later and attempted (very badly) to justify it. That kind of policy…let alone technique is messed up!!!
Would you agree this is something that only fits in a world gone by? Middle ages perhaps? Should I have pity on you and other Americans because your leaders commit such atrocities? In the same manner you suggest they need a revolution, do Americans also? Have you you not been led by bible basher’s yourselves?
Anyway, who says they are scared of womens sexuality, that seems a bit absurd… maybe I’m missing something? As above, women are permitted to vote, same rights in that regard as men.
Yes they are compelled to wear the abaya, but most actually do want to wear them. Saudi women are very glamorous and some abaya’s can cost tens of thousands and be very ornately designed. If they did not want to wear them, why do you think they continue to wear them on holidays or even when resident in other countries? In fact there was uproar in France a few years ago when the French government tried to ban a similar artifacts from public schools… there was outcry and they reverted, even without a law these religious artefacts are deeply symbolic to the owners.
They enforce these things in a similar manner to all the other religions that “religiously” go to church every week to be told that they have sinned and preached to how to live a better life. That’s just who they are and what they do! Their religion is interwoven in their legal system and is Christianity in other countries. Not more than 20 years ago there were some horrific things been done by priests in the USA and Ireland (as well as other places). All covered up by the local community, respective governments and the religious administrations as well as the top brass in those orgs. It’s just a different type of twisted. What do you think people from Saudi think when they read or hear about that? The notion over there of what went on with our religious leaders is beyond contempt… and sometimes I wish we had sharia law ourselves to sort out those scum!
Laws govern society, we all need laws… but it should be up to us what laws we choose to live by. Maybe some do not agree with the laws in these countries, and they can leave if they like. Many more do agree but want slight changes. Like I said… they recently (this year) got women the vote, but they got that without the CIA, you or I helping them. Who are we to tell them what laws they should and should not follow. Are ours that perfect?
Also, who are we to preach human rights when we have such a bad track record ourselves!
It’s not always clear cut.
Finally… when the oil runs out???
They haven’t needed our help for a very long time, and they won’t need it either when the oil runs out! republic_saudi arabian university kaust invests.pdf