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Shark spearing you tube

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To be truthful tho it was probably the most exciting thing I have ever done.
6ft 200lb bullshark..accompanied by atleast one more in a feeding frenzy between me and the boat.I can confidently say I know what an aggressive shark looks like.
after that experience I think they are amazing, theyre just soo fast and it makes normal fish look clumsy in the water. They slow down as they circle closer to you and their fins go down and are firm.Then they get really jumpy and excited and curious.It was cool lol only reason I shot him is because he was about 4ft from me and I was covered in cuda slime. I wasnt going to risk getting bit in the ass.
i might have done the same in your position but would have my knife ready to cut the mono so i could keep my investment(gun)
lol I kept the gun..there was no way i was losing my 400$ rabitech on its first day in the water.I held on till the crimps popped was a fun 5second ride.
Is the cookie cutter shark the same little fish that takes chunks out of submarines & the like? I agree with you. I initially got an uneasy feeling watching those videos -- probably just anticipation from seeing the shark titles. The actual footage looked remarkably like spearing any other fish -- albeit with a bigger & potentially more aggressive/dangerous fish at the end.

Spaghetti's video link was moderately unsettling too. Having seen solo climber Jim Jewel in action a few weeks before his untimely death, I got a similar feeling watching that video; there are only so many times you will get away with that.
Spago that surely was a awesome vid. Thanx for sharing that one.
On the shark issue, Im kinda in the middle here. If it was for food by all means, for sport no ways mate you wont be hunting with me any time soon.
All things apart Im not too sure but on the first vid the guy looked to be fairly close to the fish, was it just me or is his shot placement not quite what it should be on a fish that size, that close Id try for a head shot or at least wait for the fish to give me a better angle and that goes for both vids. Shots from behind and then placed way below the spine is not really up there Id say, rather let it go and come back or just let it go and wait for next time you see one, if those fish had softer skin and meat theyd tear out easily...
Also why arent we seeing them land these fish, leaves too much room for speculation toward the negative.
Reactions: spaghetti
Is the cookie cutter shark the same little fish that takes chunks out of submarines & the like?
Probably. I hope they leave freedivers alone. wouldn't like to get bitten on the bum by one!

About spearing sharks or other fish, IMO if it is for food and not endangered, then it is OK, if not then it is not.

if you go to the youtube link im pretty sure the guy says it was a second shot, that shark would have took off imediatly if it was his initial shot

i cant tell but maybe he was shooting for the gills

here is his comment

This was the second shot. After 1.5 hours we finally landed this 400 lb shark. The fish was cut up and eaten. Quite yummy on the grill.

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Spago that surely was a awesome vid. Thanx for sharing that one.
On the shark issue, Im kinda in the middle here. If it was for food by all means, for sport no ways mate you wont be hunting with me any time soon.

Ok Deepy I might eventually come over in SA for the football World cup in 2010 but a voice inside me says "leave your dive gear home". See you at the stadium and bring on some biltong if you see what I'm saying (and what I'm saying is: who me? dive in the middle of sharks? never in life!) :t.
Reactions: deep thinker
What Wa#kers I reckon. People seeing those vids can only get the impression of cowboys, and give this sport/ activity a bad rep.

thats kinda what I'm thinking,,,

PATO SAEZ on the other hand: World Class
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Reactions: spaghetti
First, Shooting a fish that can fight back, a shark, is far more sporting than shooting other fish that can't do anything but try to get away. So anyone that says it's unsporting doesn't know what they are talking about.

Second, some sharks like Mako are very good to eat.

second fish is clearly a cobia


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The first vid seems clearly about some badass shooting the big scary shark. The second looks like a very large cobia and took some skill.

Diving in rocks like that is amazing. The depths were shallow and his exertion minimal so he no doubt had plenty of reserve. I'd have been inclined to do it without fins though. I've had mine get stuck in breakwalls a few times and its a creepy feeling.
The best shark hunter is EL GABON ..i had watched he's video years ago.. i think he dead after killed over 50 or 60 sharks ...i am not sure how he dead..
here is a small trailer of him to get who??
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty6WQHS0RZE]YouTube - Spearfishing Hardcore[/ame]
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