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Sharks and Spearfishing

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Triggerfish can be nasty during nesting season, especially the big Triton's, so maybe you are right about them driving off the sharks...
Poly you're brand new to diving and couldn't even figure out how to rig a jbl! I suggest you hold your tounge and listen instead of giving tips on situations you only daydream about being able to handle.

Just because you live on the west coast w/ great whites and mako's doesn't mean you all have aggressive sharks...just means you all have ones that will kill you w/out you knowing.

I've seen few sharks diving w/ only one making me call the boat over to pick me up. I was by myself floating in 300+' of water w/ the boat 100yd's away checking on scuba divers...not fun and the shark never came closer than 30 feet. He was not very big looking but I didn't want him to grow as he got closer to me. still not sure what kind of shark it was.
I've shot more video of sharks than stills, but little of it has been on hunting trips.

I can't seem to pic up a camera unless I leave my guns at home!

I'm going to try to plan to push more shutter releases and pull fewer triggers this year.

Ditto on the triggerfish trouble. One the size of a turky platter nailed my forearm on a rig off Texas before I could string it, out the mouth of course.

Cudas have stolen the most fish from me, with Goliaths a close second. Although I've lost some fish that sharks found before I did, I've yet to have one steal a fish from my hand, and I hope it stays that way!

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StretchArmStron said:
Poly you're brand new to diving and couldn't even figure out how to rig a jbl!

This is true!rofl rofl rofl rofl
I got it figured out in the end. Anything is hard when you don't know how to do it. I have no one else to show me so I rely on you guys to educate the noob.

What would a JBL do to a GWS or a large Mako from 20'-30' out?

Poly, you should try it on a target the next time you go out. Or has anyone already tested a JBL from those distances?
Spinal Tap said:
What would a JBL do to a GWS or a large Mako from 20'-30' out?

Poly, you should try it on a target the next time you go out. Or has anyone already tested a JBL from those distances?



rofl rofl rofl it would only make 30ft if you DROPPED it on a fish
I don't know about 20 or 30 feet, but if you shot it in the gills when it swam by you it would be a different story. I think that a well placed shot point blank to the gills would send the shark scurrying away quite quickly. No matter the size of the shark. They are very sensitive about thier gills and eyes. I seriously doubt that you could hit in the eye unless you were clint eastwood with a speargun. However the gills are quite large and targetable.

ever tried sticking a steakknife into a grizzle bear? have a feeling it would be a simmilar reaction...... :head
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Polystigma said:

hey, that's uncalled for. :rcard

keep it up and rookie or not you won't be welcome here anymore. :naughty

O.K if you shoot it in the Gills what next.

Kiss you spear gun good by.
Cut the line thats if you have a chance at kiss a shaft good by
Go skying behind a shark, loose mask, snorkle, legs, arms, when it turns on you.

Speaking to a buddy on the weekend who will remain nameless but is one of Australias/Worlds best spearfisherman and mult Australian and World record holder who has speared almost everything said the when you Spear a Big Mako it very scary because the dont change , they dont run they dont hide they dont even know you have done it, they just keep on going round and round you like nothing has happened just deciding what part of you they want to bite off.

Pull your head in Poly,
Listen to people who have been there and done that before you become chum

For some interesting shark advice go to www.elasmo-research.org and take a look at the "education" section which includes a subsection called "Attacks" and the topic "Advice to those who work or play in waters inhabited by white sharks".

Note also that the advice in there includes the suggestion that you maintain a distance of at least 2.5times the animals length and if it passes you closely you should never stab it or jab it - they can be quite retaliatory.....

There are some excellent videos of whites attacking seals and all of that should encourage Polystigma to find another solution than trying to shoot a shark in the gills.....

Take a look at the breaching shark pic. The animal is probably 4meters long, all the way out of the water.... you should see the videos of them taken underwater as they attack towed targets! So fast and so aggressive that you and your gun wouldn't make the slightest difference.

The other pics are of a 5-6 meter animal and then two pics of a GW that showed up off Cape Cod last year. !6ftplus (see the boat for scale) and in under 8ft of water. less than 20ft from shore....


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Polystigma said:
I have never seen a shark while diving...And it will most likely be either a large white shark or a mako.

At its first pass within 20-30ft of me he is getting shot no matter what.

The only way that shark will die from your JBL shot from those distances is if the shark dies from laughter.
Amphibious said:
hey, that's uncalled for. :rcard

keep it up and rookie or not you won't be welcome here anymore. :naughty

No it's not uncalled for! He knows why I said it. He knows darn well....
Spinal Tap said:
I really don't. So tell us why I said it.

You know the "other thread" on the "other board".......
Anyways don't worry yourself about it.
I know the "other thread" on the "other board". I'm the Guest with the Wong. You're thinking about another guy.
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Hit the gills and it WILL leave. Most of the experts here admit they havent shot a shark...I have done it more than once Most sharks dont like to fight for their food, thats why even the biggest baddest great white uses the camo and sneak attack. There is too much at risk for them to get injured in a feeding...there are always exceptions but shooting an over aggressive shark in the gills is better than being his lunch. On the other hand, shooting the shark is a last resort. If he opens his mouth or bumps me more than once and I cant retreat in a safer manner, blammo.
I feel ya man, if it's me or the shark... not even a second thought

If you openly admit you're a newbie, then maybe word your opinions better... and for pete's sake, don't give advice like this:
Polystigma said:
I have never seen a shark while diving(freediving and spearfishing) yet. At its first pass within 20-30ft of me he is getting shot no matter what. I suggest anyone else do the same.
You dive in SoCal, don't you? I've dove in areas down there where I've seen a shark on just about every drop!

In any case, since this forum is supposed to be about educating rather than criticizing, here's my take on the situation:

Every shark is different & you never know how a given one will react until you encounter one. Many people have seen Great White sharks... but it's the ones that divers don't see that end up attacking. I was diving in hawaii last month & had a Tiger Shark circle me continuously. It wasn't agressive, just curious & while I wasn't gonna go up & hug it, I felt more than comfortable taking pics while it got within a couple feet of me. At one point, I had my speartip in it's mouth as it came straight on at me, but I just pulled my speartip out & pushed it's nose away from me.

By contrast, I've had some "harmless" sharks rush me. One of my diving partners got bitten(not seriously) trying to keep his catch away from a crazy whitetip reef shark, arguably one of the most docile sharks in the islands.

Here are a couple pics of the "friendly" Tiger Shark:


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