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South Devon 2014

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Well done Tompace. Great fish and report. Took me four years to get a fish that big you can retire now! LOL. Keep it up and inspire the newbees and the oldies as well!
Reactions: Rockie
Thought I would try something a bit different today and went looking for razor clams , ended up with about 40 good sized ones but also found a few huge cockles ( dog cockles I believe ) has any one tried them ? I think they are known as armandes de mere in France , and considered desirable ( but by their questionable standards it is probably debatable !) The razor clams are lovely but I always seem to overcook them making them a little chewy
Nice one terry something different. Mind you there is more than 5 there mate!! Careful who's watching!!
Viz any good mate, were you this way ?
Had a day off sunday for a well needed rest but a mate tempted out for a couple of hours spearfishing. We went for a shore dive local to Plymouth. Vis didnt look great from the car park but was ok once in,about 3/4 m vis. We were out diving in the 8 to 10m depth looking for plaice. There is a few small reefs dotted around the area which holds the odd trigger this time of year. Also the other normal stuff like pollack crabs and cuttle. We both ended up with a mixed bag of pollack triggers plaice cuttles crabs and flounder. The flounder never used to be found out in the deeper water,they were usually in closer to the shore in the 2m type depth but the winter storms have stripped the silty type of sand they love forcing them out into deeper water where there is the type of ground they like to lay in. What i found if you find one on a dive there is normally another laying close by within 2 or 3m away so not a problem to stab the first one then shoot the second one on the same dive.
Great catch nick ( as always !!) lovely plaice, good to see such a variety of fish in one session , and no bass , which is about all that has been posted this year so far .. well done and thanks for posting !
Reactions: shiny1
would love to try razor clams, how do you collect them mirror? have heard of the salt water trick on the beach, can they just be dugout underwater? Im guess there is a take limit of 5 then?
I salt them out underwater as well ! It takes a while to identify the "right holes" , the catch limit is 5 kilo and MLS is 4" ( 100 mm )
Reactions: shiny1
Terry announcing you have had problems identifying the right hole on a spearfishing forum is different to the normal storys of big bass that got away lol.
Terry i spend most days of the week catching bass for a living so its a change to look for something different on a day off. Plus i like eating flatties and triggers
Yes squirting my salty fluid in the wrong hole could be embarrassing , but luckily no one was there to see me !!!! It must get sooooo boring catching so many bass I understand your desire to try something else ( I can't ever see that being a problem for me though !!)
Reactions: winky and shiny1
In a local paper today , anyone aware of this until now ..... BSA members etc ..... I read something on a divers site a while ago about possible legislation about no landings without license and even then very l imited catches ...... could this then be extended to fish ?
It depends really. I work a shift pattern, so many of the people I dive with are at work when I'm free to dive.
I'm happy to go it alone most of the time, both spearfishing or SCUBA. You just have to be a bit more conservative when you're out on your own.
Reactions: Ash Wilkinson
Not sure if anyone has studied my last post , but it seems we will need to have a permit ( £20 for 2 years ) to land any crabs lobsters or scallops , and them are limited to 2 lobsters , 3 crabs or 15 scallops per day , however in the Devon & Severn area we will now be allowed to take scallops in the summer months which was previously forbidden . for full details go to IFCA website ... Devon and Severn .. Diver permit byelaws ..... has any one else heard of this ?
The British Spearfishing association
The British Spearfishing Association will be making an official response to the consultation on Devon and Severn Ifca s proposed byelaw, but I would urge anyone who feels they would be affected by it to also respond themselves, instructions on how to do so are in the link mirror posted.
There are a number of serious issue's with the proposed byelaw, largely I believe due to a lack of understanding on the part of the Ifca about the stakeholders who use the resource and how they use it. The Ifca have also failed to demonstrate a need for the byelaw (is what problem is it solving) and the impact assessment fails to consider a number of problems ( not least potential impacts on tourism)
If anyone would like help with writing a response please get in touch
BSA thanks for responding ,....... I am surprised by the lack of interest by any one else , personally I feel it will have no affect on me as I have never taken more than 2 lobsters or 3 crabs on a day out anyway, and the rule for scallops will suit me to be honest ( summer landings ). I suspect this was bought about by fishermen ( potters) seeing divers who are not licensed fishermen taking more than would appear appropriate for a bit of foraging whilst diving . So I have no objection really but just do not like imposition of more rules ! Was wondering how this will be publicised / enforced etc Also whether this could then be extended to fish as in the 2 bass a day in Eire . Were the BSA involved in the consultation as spearos are pretty few and far between, and this byelaw relates to shellfish , not spearing of fish . But I can imagine it could be disappointing to some one from out of the area on a diving trip finding out on arrival they need a permit to land any lobster , crab or scallops .
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