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South Devon Report 2008

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Dived for 2 hours today. sea was unsettled and the wind bitterly cold. Viz was bad close in, so swam out to deeper water where it improved to 3- 4 meters but cloudy.

bumped into a massive shoal of schoolies which circled me for a couple on minutes and then moved off. Followed agully out and swam right over a shoal of larger bass which took off like rockets into deeper water.

Changed over to a nearby gully and followed it out. spotted 2 nice bass moving underneath me about 4 meters away, lined up where I reckoned the bigger of the 2 was heading and hit him just behind the head. swam down to grab him and found the line had tangled on my gun which is not good news as Ive heard a few people have had this problem with the cayman:confused: this however was massivley out weighed by the fact that I had just bagged a 4lb bass :):) happy days!!!!

stayed in for a little while longer and then made the long swim back to shore ( thank god for the dive hunter)



  • 4lb.jpg
    122.5 KB · Views: 174
Well done scott, nice fish, How are you finding the water temp? Looking at getting in next weekend (weather permitting).

Nice one Scott, I was planning a dive today but after a nights work the cold made me chicken out and go to bed. Respect to you.
Nice fish Scott

Shiny and I went in off a south east cornwall beach, viz was Ok but I saw very little. I saw 1 small shoal of decent bass, the usual pollack and wrasse. Didn't fire the gun tho :-( Shiny returned with an empty string today but saw more then I did and unfortunately missed a nice bass around 7or 8lbs. We were very cold today but did a good 2 hrs so we have to be content with that.

There was a greenhorn story but I'm not confessing...............

Shiny may tell tho :-0

Thanks for the info James T

water was cold but its the walk back to the car that I dread, well that and getting changed in the wind , soon be time for waterproof seat covers
Hey All,
Went out late this afternoon, out on the reef. It felt great although the river was freezing on my swim out to the sea. When I reached the sea it was amazing to see how much growth had died back in the fortnight since I last got in. Not much seen but lots of tide so surprised not to see something come down the conveyer???
Two lost pots seen and thought i'd strike gold when I saw a Eddystone stuck in the reef only to find the tail paddles missing. Finished off sat on the bottom looking up into a 50 strong crowd of juve Pollack- Amazing sight.

I keep going as long as possible - maybe need to look into wearing socks though. Feet were numb after an hour.

Tribs out.
I keep going as long as possible - maybe need to look into wearing socks though. Feet were numb after an hour.

Some of you chaps are just too tough (or possibly too fat) for words!

Last time I was in two weeks ago I had 5mm socks, 5mm gloves and a 3mm vest under my 5mm suit and was frozen to the core after 2 hours :crutch
Some of you chaps are just too tough (or possibly too fat) for words!

Last time I was in two weeks ago I had 5mm socks, 5mm gloves and a 3mm vest under my 5mm suit and was frozen to the core after 2 hours :crutch

roflroflroflrofl....too fat I love it...... hey... hang on!!!!!!!
This is going to be a bit of a repeat report but hey, at least I'm bothering and its something to read It was shock viz, a big swell which was making the weed sway to and fro which throws me right out. I was struggling to hold my breath for 30secs today, I think I need to eat earlier and go in feeling hungry. Having said that I was back in my car eating blended chicken and blackbean poured from my flask whilst shiny was diving and working the ground. Fair play mate your much more patient then me but then thats why "you avem boy" Looking forward to the next attempt.

Hey All,

Boat dive today. Dropped Dave (North1) in and 2 minutes later Dave came out. Easterly= Pea soup. Headed in as the sea was getting to some size rising over the reef. First time my longliner's been over 10 knots- surfing a 6ft swell!! Crikey, still a few nice whiting hopped in the bucket obligingly.


Yep Tribs is right, Peasouper. I could just about see the end of his 60!
Still, it's a pretty good feeling to get in the water on the 7th December.
Tribs is suggesting next weekend. Let's see what the weather brings.But if it's ok I'm up for it.
Latest bass of the year?
Hey Tribs - what did you use for catching the Whiting? Never caught one myself but am interested in taking out my boat and fishing for some.
went out at heybrook yesterday as it was such a nice day, had a friend with me who fancied a swim. Thought at the very least we could find a pollack for him to shoot....
Vis was ok but didnt see anything but a couple of wrasse. Not sure what was going on - thought maybe it was because of the fact we were fishing the dropping tide or that all the fish have moved to deeper water with the cold weather??

got out empty stringered anyway ;(