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Spearfishing in Japan

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Oct 8, 2002
I have seen a few of the DB members who spear in Japan.

Can someone direct me to the threads as there is a friend of mine going over there for 10 months and he would like to go shoot something whilst out there

Thanks in advance

I think most of the guys here have been US military personel spearing in Okinawa.

If he is most likely going to mainland, things might get hairy a spearing is a bit of a grey area in Japan.

There is a group of spearos in Hokkaido. I had the link to thir site in the past somewhere.

I honestly think that diving in Japan could be very nice and even productive.
However, a Gaijin running about with a speargun is 300% sure to get plenty of attention (incl. local police).

I know for sure that there is at least one professional spearo in Okinawa.

I'm actually pretty interested in this subject myself.

As far as I know spearfishing is legally reserved as a means of harvesting fish for professional fishermen only, not for hobbyists.

I'm the one who is going to Japan. Thanks Shane for posting it here!

I will live in Kagoshima and I hope to be able to spear there, but I want to be sure that I'm allowed to spear before going there, so that if take there my equipment with me, it will be useful.

Thanks for the info!


P.S.: Sorry for my English, but I hadn't written it for years.
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