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Spearfishing Photos

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
come on guys i know there must be more than this in your comp. :naughty
Murat , have you noticed how your photo stretched our forum ? rofl
Rig , are you using Photoshop ? What kind of problems are you having ?
well I tried to attach a bmp file to my message and the computer tells me ive committed a fatal error. I guess i spend to much time in the water and off the computer!?!?! How can I make this work?

"Spend more time with fish and less time with fishermen."
Open it with another program and save as jpeg or u can use current program if you can save it as a jpeg.Jpeg`s has much more smaller file size than bmp.
This is what happens when you decide to dive with a camera rather than a gun ...


  • dogtoothtuna.jpg
    49.2 KB · Views: 1,181

Allow me to guess the fish size and weight. I want to practice to ID a size just by looking at it without other size reference.

Since the doggie has the yellow stripe quite obvious, I think it is at least 20kg ( in my area those under 15kg seems not to have the obvious yellow stripe...why ??? ). Somehow the proportion tell me it is about 100-120 cm long. What is ur estimate when u actualy saw it ??? Tell me ,tell me..........
Hi Iya , when I saw you logging in I just NEW you would come across this ...rofl
Nice Doggie , isn't it ?
Pretty good guess on the weight ; I guessed it at around 25 kg's.
At what depth did you take the photo, Abri and with what camera? "Just pure curiosity" on the depth question and "I gotta get me one of these!" on the camera portion...

Hi Ivan ,
The photo was taken off Burma . I was cruising along the top of a wall ; bottom at about 35m. and I was at around 18m.
This was taken on my old Nikonos V with a 20mm. lens . Have since gone digital , all photo's in "Creature Feature" taken with Canon G2 in Ikelite housing .
I heard some rumors that Nikons V will be no longer produced and the price will fall significantly...

We have a digital Olympus Camedia 100Z but my GF says she'll never allow a US$500 camera to get underwater... What can I say - she's the photographer in the "family".

Not that I can afford the housing anyway! Too darn expensive for our local standards!

But if the Nikonos price really falls I'll get one.

Is your Canon an autofocus one? Cause I really have a problem with fast moving objects - the Olympus can't focus that fast!
Tell me about it ... , I really like the digital format but the lag time is a bitch .:head
nice pic, abri!

i can't wait to get my computer set up at home. i have a million pics aquiles and i got when we were down in the caymans. i have the olympus c3000z in an ikelite housing and got to play a lot w/ the features. we stumbled through a lot of trial and error but about the 3rd day there, our fumbling through the exposures and manual settings started to pay off. i should be able to post by sunday.

hasta luego, muchachos.

Gracias hombre .
Looking forward to seeing what the Caribbean has to offer
Guess you use Photoshop ?
My boss is a computer nut and Thailand make pirate copies of EVERYTHING before the original even hits the streets ; am using Photoshop 7
No Pics To Contribute

Thanks Folks...

Being chained to this *&#^%#%$#%^ project is killing me this summer. My choice to work and not play and I got no reason to whine, so I will stop and let you all know the photo tour and accompanied text was great!

Encore, Encore!!!:inlove

(Currently a Builder, Not a Diver :waterwork )
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