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Spearfishing Photos

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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A mate just sent me this from Sodwana :


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OK Let me guess..............

Spanish Mackerel is about 17-21kg.

The brown grouper held is about 9 kg / 20 pounds.

How did I do ?
heres a nice day in the keys "sunshine key and mariana"

may i say i fish alone
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Re: heres a nice day in the keys "sunshine key and mariana"

Originally posted by cubandiver
may i say i fish alone

...and that somehow the 10 snapper per person per day aggregate bag limit doesn't apply to you?! :vangry

what's the name of your dusky, cubandiver? i've got some close friends that would love to tail you. it's getting toward the end of the month and i think they have a quota to fulfill. :rcard

please explain what your intentions are here. we're all willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but for some reason your ego's getting the best of you.

second strike, buddy. :naughty

Deeper Blue Forum Mentor
Cubandiver: Are you serious? :naughty

All you need is one fisheries guy to check out this forum and see this post (and your other ones) and youre in trouble! I'm sure DeeperBlue will be only too happy to co-operate with the authorities in tracking you down. Keep in mind your personal details and IP address are kept on record here..

Ever heard of : "Take only what you need" ?

And please stop bragging like this, there are other ways to impress people. Around here a dedicated diver and conservationist will get more respect than some indiscriminant butcher.

Bad boy Cuban, bad boy......

If u are living close to my area l'll swap ur port propeller for
starboard, that way when you full throtlle you will go reverse...:D :D

Becareful young man, assuming that photo has ur partial body shown, it can lead u to trouble. The new police science is so advance the can computer simulate ur facial feature, height and body weight just by looking at that projecting nipple of yours....:D :D Is that a TAG Heaur watch u r wearing ?

It won't be dificult to track down a Dusky 33 with twin 225HP Optimax towed by a Chevy with at least one young Cuban of 17 on it. I even suppose the name of ur boat sounds Spanish...must be.

Why don't you stop being a show off, I mean a law breaker and be a nice guy..........you were not on weed when u post that photo are you ???:D :D

If you want to break the law, do it in a high caliber fashion.......wrong is still wrong anyway. Why don't you try shooting ur governor car's door with ur pneumatic, that should make u into the headlines. Then tell me what kind of shaft penetration u get from 10 feet .....:D :D

Behave boy...it is not too late.

I have not responded previously to any comments or posts you have made as I have been waiting to see if you would act like an adult and listen to the very experienced and kind divers and spearos in these forums.

It is unfortunate that you do not seem to have the ability to do that. Anderson has already given you 2 warnings and I do not expect to have to see a third.

Whilst we are unlikely to take any action in alerting any authorities, please understand that if we receive any formal requests for information from authorities, we will co-operate to our fullest ability.

We do not take any sort of action lightly in these forums and rarely do we even have the remotest need to. Please don't make it necessary and spoil it for everyone.

i think your right 10 snapper per person but theres 4 people on my boat with a fishing license's meaning that a grand total of 50 but dont like to fish that long besides most are eating by them and family, i like grouper only the small on that is 20 in's was caught by them so he keeps it. I hope that that is not a treat its not very smart to go and find "kids" that have ther own boat house and car besides ill problobly get u on film if u do find me. Iam not scard of people like u iam only showing a good day in the keys most of the time its 2 grouper and 4 hog but that day i was lucky. would u guys like to see a jew fish caught by my dad in 75??? i think i posted it in biggest grouper

Ball one!
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Dont u start with the jew that my dad caught. If u lived there ull see how that meat can change your life. That fish gave food to all of my family back then and was almost stolen by another. hey if iam feeding people with fresh fish and u people lose it why dont u protest to comercial fishermen that kill more and destroy reefs.
not saying that iam a nice guy but why are u in my case u cear on the spearfishing camponship but they do it for the sport, i do to but people have full stomacks in the end. all that u see is legal so ther is no treat form the authority to me because of that. The one thing i did bad was that jew last year but thats it. Ill bring u now on some one big fish photo's if u do not like to whole thing.
I somehow think the 10 per person thing means 10 per person actually FISHING.
Why not just admit you were wrong and quit with these posts showing your "skill". Pretty much every post you've made, with the exception of the boats thread, has got pretty much everyone annoyed.
As for you taking something as a threat, I don't think that could any way be taken as a threat of violence or such, which you seem to take it as. It's more a case of perhaps giving the local authorities a tip-off about someone totally ignoring the local fishing laws...

To everyone else, he doesn't seem to be taking on any of the advice we've given him in other threads. He also says he dives alone. Surely the chances of getting a SWB increase with the number of dives?

Try not to black out when your in the water all on your own,
hey Iyadiver now that your looking my boat if u see my friends boat please tell me its been stolen for a week now of the keys! Its a 30' manta with two 225 merc's


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You oughta be...

Originally posted by cubandiver
iIam not scard of people like u

We're not asking you to be scared. We're asking you to be responsible. We're asking you to be mature. You joined this group, ostensibly to learn, contribute and have some fun. You've done little if anything to those ends and indeed have set a record for the most negative Karma in the shortest timespan that I've seen here. No, that won't get you a T shirt.

Go find somebody with a dictionary that can read to you the definition of Karma. Then start praying you'll get a clue. Your time here is waaay numbered. :rcard


I am very touched by the fact u feed your whole family...
Tell me something though... Do they have any digestion problems? It seems they can feed only on protected or other way legally restricted species.

Now since you've brought the spearfishing competitions theme, I would like to share with you that for this year's World Championship in Brazil there's a list of 34 species absolutely banned for hunting. Spearing any of those will result in immediate disqualification and punitive actions. There is also a per species size limit. And a limit over the number of fishes of one species that can be speared by single competitor. The banned species list will be available on my website probably tomorrow, together with underwater images so you'll be able to see it for yourself. I'll provide you with the link.

Another example - last Sunday a young spearo (18) has been disqualified from our local competition for spearing an undersized flounder - those are banned for cometitions, and there's a legal size. At least he said he's sorry and that he did it only because he never speared such fish before. His behaviour helped him to keep his license with the Federation.

If I were you, I'd admit I'm wrong. We all make mistakes. But judging by your behaviour here, it seems a bit late for any of us to try anything.

What a pitty...
Young Cuban,

I am 30 hours by plane away from Miami, I don't think I can help ur friend stolen Manta. Don't u study geography and see the world map ? Also I don't realy pay attention to outboards boats, too small....he he he he.

U know ur daddy giant grouper is OK, in 1975 in Cuba, I am sure it was not protected and not easy to land. I completely understand the tough life in Cuba back then. My country too is another sad story, trust me.

But now that you have a comfortable life the USA, I think u need to adjust the mentality to be a law abiding citizen in order to be like everyone else. Not that no one broke the law in USA but their law is as such.............it make USA a well to do country today and more or less an equal opportunity for everyone.

If my country fishery law is any good as USA, I would be catching more fish while travelling less distance.

So if you think you are having a good life living in USA, perform ur duty as a good citizen/spearo.......that simple.

I think with ur skill, one day you can be a great blue water spearo. If you want more fun and challenge, seek some big Tunas to shoot. Good meat & great fight. Then post some photos here. YUMMY YUMMY !!!

Hey Cuban why r u so pýgheaded???

We have Careta turtles here (very býg) you can also eat them and can sell ýt for very good prýce..should i shoot them???? NOOO ! ! ! They r under protectýon all around the world.Theýr specýes are almost fnished. Tehey are very lovely creatures i love to swim wýth them. If i saw a ýrresponsýble diver lýke you in my area i immediately call for the police. Sorry guy but this is the way to protect our seas.Why you shoot that much fish ýn one day???? It does not matter how many people do you have ýn your family.You can shoot that much fish lets say 1 week not ýn 1 day.It ýs not the valid excuse to collect all of your friends in to the boot and shot that much fýsh.

Look i am also very young but i can seperate good and bad.So try to do this for everyone goodness.

just to clarify, it IS legal to take bag limits in multiples of the # of fishing licenses you have on your vessel, so, cuban diver is not necessarily breaking the law in that photo. thanks for clarifying, cubandiver, but... please take your place here. spearfishing is not and can not be a boastful sport in regards to slaughtering reef fish. like everyone is saying, it's your attitude that's going to kill it for the rest of us. you think you're just one spearo, but you represent us all, no matter what country we live in. otherwise, no one would give a damn about this and you wouldn't be receiving so much attention here.

i'm actually impressed that you know a bit of the sequential hermaphro-ditism of grouper. but, did you know that this can only happen once? once groupers change to males, they can't change back. it's a one time process. but, only the red hind and coney groupers have been scientifically proven to be protogynous(sex changing). there is no proof that other grouper can change sexes. and, even though you may think that this "sex changing" makes it ok for you to spear oodles and oodles of grouper, it's actually been proven that fishing pressure is more detrimental on protogynous species than gonochoristic(different sexes) species.

but, you may then say that "well this is even better, then", but grouper populations in one area are NOT dependant on the # of reproductively mature grouper in that same area. fertilized eggs will float up to the surface from the reefs and are swept away by the currents(north in florida's case). when the grouper mature to a size where they're strong enough to swim, they'll go down to whichever reef they're over and seek shelter there till they're large enough to migrate(which in some species isn't very far). so, thinking your grouper are changing sexes to keep up their population in the area you hunt is a bunch of crap.

the best thing about this forum is that it's a great place to "discuss" things, learn, and also share. having a closed and egotistical mind won't get you far here, let alone in life itself.

so, get into some discussions here. if you're truly omniscient, like you believe yourself to be, then you can enlighten all of us on all of these subjects. just remember that you must give these people the respect you would want given to you. all we ask is that you respect this forum, its members, and the way you conduct yourself while participating here. if this is too difficult for you, then you WILL be kindly asked to leave.

dale suave, señor,

This kid is really digging himself a hole.

I have pics that would make him cry........I have not posted cause Im back in dental school.

As far as I am concerned I am officially deeming him not Cuban any more .........I think that he is Puerto Rican but I think that is even too offensive for them!!!! (Its a cuban thing no offense to the PR's)
I as a cuban can revoke his cubanhood!!!!! Well it was a nice try anyway,,,,, all i can say is that I wish that his damn ego would let his brain work. :rcard
5 per person per day limit on the mangrove snapper cubandiver that makes 4*5=20
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