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static apnea / breath holding

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2002

i have a few questions about static...

i wonder if this is the same for everyone? if i'm physically tired, i mean if i swim for 15 minutes then do some sprints and then try to make breath holding exercises with a little time between, it becomes a bit difficult, i can do but with more difficulty then doing them directly when i go in water...

let me be more specific, i can hold my breath for 3 minutes, after a few deep breaths, nearly everytime i want, but after an exercise which tooks an hour, i can hardly go over 3 minutes, maximum between 3:30 - 4 minutes...

this doesn't (in fact it does but in a way you can ignore) change according to the contents of the exercise, i mean if the exercises are for spped and toughness or for breath this doesn't change...

but if i start to hold breath, without tiring myself with any exercises, my breath holding remains cool, i can hold over 3:30 many times, over and over...

what should be done not to lower the time after exercises or is there a way to getting ready for breath holding stage after exercises...

one more thing, i held 5 minutes twice, in my bed, before sleep, one after another as i didn't believe it the first time i've done it :) but i couldn't go near 5 minutes till then, any idea why?

and lastly, what should be done to increase the static performance?


Any exercise increases the work level of your muscles for quite a while after your exercise is finished. Even though your pulse is back to normal more oxygen is consumed. This increase can be measured for up to 4 hours after exercise.
i couldn't exactly get what you meant, maybe because of my bad english :( i hope you can explain it a little longer...


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