Do you do this Mendelsohn manuver in order to hands free? I just watched the video and can do the manuver but the manuver alone does nothing to my etubes. In your case, do you feel like the manipulation in the Mendelsohn is coupled to your etubes?
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Hi Lance, for me, it does. I can unblock my ears after first sucking air out of them (first creating a pressure differential to mimick pressure at depth) using the Mendelsohn manoeuvre. However, when I do not first suck air out of my ears, and simply do the manoeuvre, I cannot tell very clearly that I have opened the E tubes. Though there is a mild sound when I do this manoeuvre just on its own. Do you hear any sound in your ears when you do it? And have you tried it after creating a pressure differential?
Besides this modified swallow, I have heard of others using a modified yawn and others wiggling their ears to achieve this opening of the tubes. So there seem to be a variety of hands free manouvres.