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Stormy days at AIDA?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Dec 9, 2005
Well, probably not all of you watch Jorg's Shark Freediving blog - in the last weeks he keeps very rich content, usually with several quite interesting news per day.

Yesterday he published the resignation letter of Pim Vermeulen, who was in the position of the Sports Officer at AIDA International. And there is apparently another resignation in work - Grant Graves allegedly resigned from the AIDA technical committee too.

Pim and Grant blame people on the AIDA board for unacceptable behaviour. Pim does not mention any names, but according to Jorg's post Grant accuses directly the president Bill Stromberg.

As far as I know Bill is currently on a trip to Galapagos, so am not sure how fast we'll see any reaction (if any will be published at all). Let's hope the situation clears up quickly - shortly before the WC, with no ranking results from 2008 or 2009, AIDA needs to handle the situation promptly.
A quick run-down:
The TC is dead
Pim & Grant are gone
Several others, like Will W are also gone
The board may be/will be dissolved
Bill S still there

I've asked some questions on the AIDA forum, as Bill believes that's the correct place for this.
It almost seems as if Bill S is the only one left???

Too bad all the questions you asked are behind locked doors...
Hi All,

There is a vote in the AIDA Assembly right now. Because of this there is a kind of a silence until we know what the AIDA Assembly wants.

AIDA Board members: HERE


ps. there is a reply in the AIDA forum.
Bill, thanks for your answer! Greatly appreciated, and glad to see that the AIDA website is updated.
For those intrested in the organizational matters of freedive competitions I think it is time for debate. This thread should be one of the hottest right now.

All assembly members of AIDA should wake up and be part of all kinds of debates.
Aida forum, aida assembly, but also in this public forum where we find the majority of compeeting freedivers.

Aida is right before an evolutionary step!

We have outgrown many of the "old ways".
We need new statutes.
We need a document that regulates how the board functions.
We need new ranking system.
We need a new healthy TC.
We need new rules on how competitions and judges should be administered.

And most of all we need a new healthy board.

And all this can only be done by the assembly (or the ones they choose).
What is your Aida national doing in the assembly?

All these committes and boards needs a new team feeling based on unbiased competence. And all decisions taken by votes after healthy debates.

We need new names to step forward (and also make sure that the old names stay onboard with their knowledge).

Its time for idealistic work!

Its time for all inactive people on the board to resign and make way for new talents.


Dont ask what Aida can do for you - ask what YOU can do for Aida.
There's a new AIDA vote that is coming up or has been voted on. Nobody I know of is at all clear about what it is about.
I am sure that Grant Graves, the head of USAA (national) has been resigning positions in AIDA-International, having become very disillusioned with the workings of the board.
Anyone know when there is going to be chance to vote in a new board?

Sebastian-What are the statutes that need revision or repeal?
Any ideas on a new ranking system? (and why).
How did the old systems function?

What went wrong?

Maybe some useful idea's for the renewed AIDA:

Splitting the tasks:
My guess it was grown to be too much work for the board and commission members.
My solution is more people. Splitting the tasks over more people in order to keep the workload low.
A clear task definition, and clear norms.

positive rewards:
But also take in account positive rewards.
Maybe have the first choice to judge on the WC? - Judges get their travel and hotel costs paid by the hosting organisation, an who likes to go sponsored to the Bahama's for one week? As a jury personally pay an extra week and it's a nice two week vacation. A real and nice reward for many.
Of cause rewards should be well regulated in simple ways and checked by the the full assembly.

Healthy freedive culture:
Another idea is to have the assembly members and AIDA members grow a consciousness about the importance of a transparent healthy freedive culture. Culture comes usually from the top, so any board member should be an example in how we like freediver to be.
Whistle blowing should be appreciated as an heroic.

I like things to be more open.
In my view it helps to have the freedivers stay connected to their freediving organisation.

Thanks giving:

Also there are people occasionally offering help in different area's, IT programming, regulation improvements, etc. Though sometimes the reaction of AIDA is slow or not there at all. Rewarding idea's and donated work with a mug and or T-shirt is also a nice way to say "thank you".


Another way of keeping motivated is having a AIDA log reporting - in a few lines - what AIDA has done and is working on. IT people have .plan files logging their input. What does AIDA do for it's members? I guess it comes a great deal down to

What went wrong?
I hope these may be useful ideas, though my vision of current state of AIDA's is very blurry and shady. - They say confession is good for the soul, so pleas tell us what went wrong? - I'm not interested in names here, I just want to take note of the things that need to have work on, and what caused these things to go wrong.

Freedives here love to have a constructive debate:
With the positive minds here on DB I'm sure we can come up with some good improved system that serves us all better, brings us together and makes the sport even better!

Love, Courage and Water,

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One thing that is in the BFA statutes and I think should be in the AIDA Board statutes (if it isn't) is a limitation on how long any one individual can hold a particular post (including the president). People can swap posts within the board but if you can, for example, only be Head of Education, or President, or Competitions person for three years - then you have to move on, this stops people behaving as if they "own" the bit they are looking after and reinforces the idea that they are in post to represent the views of the members, not their own views.

Personally I would say there are a few people on the board that have just been in post too long. They have forgotten that their position is elected and they should be representing the views of the masses of freedivers, not fighting for their own personal interests and the interests of their friends.
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Well.... the information asked for above can be found on the Aida website: the result of the assembly vote, the resignations of board members e t c

Just kidding of course you will find nothing there, but it would have been very easy to publish things like: board member resign, internal conflicts in TC, President stops "vote of confidence", Stepanek set new record, Jonas Andersson choosen for the administration of the ranking system, the assembly votes for an overview of the statutes and the election of a new board.

To admit faults is a sign of strength.

It is very well to air opinions and ideas here, if the leaders of Aida are interested enough on what the public and members think they will read here (aswell as everywhere else where freedivers meet). BUT you should inform your own national board on what you think.

The power is in the assembly. Mail your representative.

The big question now is if the STATUTES will be rewised before or after a new board is elected. And more so - WHO decides in what order. However well guidelines and statutes are written they can always be abused if ONE WANTS TO.

I believe in FIRST electing a board that with new spirit can get things up and running again (and put a commission on looking over the statutes, without too much hurry).

Another terribly good idea I would say is to let the board WITHIN themselves decide who does what.

Skills that NEED special competence can be hired from outside.

Board members should be good leaders, communicators, administrators e t c

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Hanli Prinsloo (on the current board) has suggested the assembly the following suggestion of a board:

New board:
1. Chairman (the co-ordinator, has same vote etc as rest of board)
2. Communication/ Media Officer (makes sure of transparency within AIDA!!)
3. Technical Officer (head of TC)
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Education Officer (head of EC)
7. Sport Officer
8. Medical Expert (head of a medical committee)

The representatives from the continents are not part of this suggestion. There are two new posts: medical/science and PR/communication. The president is called chairman and has no double votes or any more power than any other board member.

I think having the regional VP's on the board is very important to get some form of representation specially from non European countries. Countries such as New Zealand, Japan, Australia, USA, Canada etc. National AIDA's outside of Europe are already disadvantaged, I think most of them would be very opposed to removing the regional VP positions.

I think having the regional VP's on the board is very important to get some form of representation specially from non European countries. Countries such as New Zealand, Japan, Australia, USA, Canada etc. National AIDA's outside of Europe are already disadvantaged, I think most of them would be very opposed to removing the regional VP positions.
Well Wal What Way We Will Weer With Wobbly Whale like Aida is basicly up to initiatives taken in the assembly.

Right now it looks like the Continental representatives might not be on a future board. If you want to change this I suggest you talk to your Aida national and your representative in the Aida assembly.

In my opinion there are two things needed to have AIDA grow on ALL continentes.
All continents should in the assembly DEMAND to have at least:

2-3 instructor Instructor (freedive education) on the continent.
2-3 judge instructors on the continent.

The two most suitable subjects should be educated (if needed) for free at the next possible moment.

Many of the Instructor Instructors have received their position for free (a board decision back in 2006(?) when members awarded themselves these positions) so they could return the favor by this idealistic work. And the same stunt can be performed again by finding an "knighting" suitable Aida members of competence and experience.

I also suggest not to let the Free market set the prices for education for judges. Set a maximum fee.

This thread has had more than 1000 views, but only some 10 replies. The major organizer of competetive apnea and one of the major education entities is reinventing itself and the community is silent. Even the assembly is more or less calm. No discussion on the Aida Forum.

The Assembly has choosen to disperse the board and has asked for new statutes.

The board is now called the ex-board and "functions" as an interim commission with main purpose to suggest new statutes before the assembly.

The reason for reelection is mainly because disagreements within the board and resignations protesting against the presidents bahaviour (use of power).

Now from the hard working ex president comes this suggestion for the president function:

->16.2 Executive Board functions and work areas
• The President work is to lead and represent the board. This will also mean representing AIDA at different official situations etc. The President is normally also the one who present votes inside of the AIDA Assembly of Delegates.

I would say this is asking for problems and suggest this instead:

The Chairman of the board organises the work within the EB along the wishes of the assembly.
The EB selects suitable persons to represent Aida at different official situations.
Any two EB members can present votes in the EB and in the assembly after discussion within the EB.

WE NEED IS AN ACTIVE ASSEMBLY, A CLEARSIGHTED AND DECISIVE BOARD - NOT AN OMNIPOTENT SO CALLED PRESIDENT. If the president is the only one with right to propose votes, then the other members are more or less powerless in comparison.

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Dear Sebastien,

You have mixed up facts with rumors and the outcome is not really reflecting the reality in this case.

Then when it comes to the right to propose votes in the assembly; this is done by the AIDA Executive Board, as it have been done since year 2000 or by a request of a Special Assembly. The president is normaly the one who post the votes (present) in the assemby mailing list and this after discussions in the board how to form the votes texts. Votes in the AIDA Assembly is very democratic and give AIDA a direct answer on quetions and how to act.

The ex Board and the Assembly are now waiting for National AIDAs to present statutes ideas/drafts - to discuss and to agree about.


ps. The Vice President can do all the presidential work as well - and could also present/post the votes in the assembly. BUT as always, the Executive Board is always discussing the votes before they are sent out. And the votes have to be backed-up with at majority of the board members. And even the AIDA Secretary have been postig votes in the assembly after discussions in the board.
I have to agree with Cebaztien and Hanli Prinsloo. They both have great suggestions to improve AIDA.

Though at this moment, due to my lack of in depth knowledge of AIDA and it's working I won't give any big suggestions or criticisms, but I believe that one issue has been resurfacing over and over: transparency (or lack thereof).

Especially because we're dealing with an organization responsible for regulation of a sport in a worldwide scope, we cannot have an organization that keeps internal goings on secret or silent.

I for one, strongly hope to see a communications officer position in the short term and I'm sure we can work from there by at least having a more informed public on the goings on within AIDA.

However, I also hope that there are sufficient statutes put in place for the communication officer to communicate all goings on and not filter any information (either wilfully or because he/she was forced to).
Then when it comes to the right to propose votes in the assembly; this is done by the AIDA Executive Board, as it have been done since year 2000 or by a request of a Special Assembly. The president is normaly the one who post the votes (present) in the assemby mailing list and this after discussions in the board how to form the votes texts.

BUT as always, the Executive Board is always discussing the votes before they are sent out. And the votes have to be backed-up with at majority of the board members.

Bill, correct me if I'm wrong (since I have never had any insights into the workings of AIDA) but according to 10.1 in the old statutes the Assembly "has jurisdictions conceded by law and the present statutes, notable: Decisions of all submitted questions" and according to 10.3 and 10.4 all the EB or the president or 1/5 of the Assembly may or have to do is convene the Assembly (or as I belive it is done today send out the votes to the mail list).

Does the EB really filter what questions are put up for vote (as your post implies)?

The statutes does not clarify who has the right to submit questions, but surely it must be any member of AIDA?
Dear Sebastien,You have mixed up facts with
rumors and the outcome is not really reflecting the reality in this
Good, but it means the phrasing of the statutes has to be more clear.

Obviously YOU mixed up the facts when you interpreted the current
statutes claiming to have a right to stop an executive board vote of confidence against yourself.

In my opinion Statutes are never perfect, they can always be twisted, interpreted and missused. We need people on the board with no desire to "play power games".

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Dear Sebastien,

You missing facts and you “throw in” rumours that you believe are true. I DID NOT, by myself, interpret the current statutes claiming to have a right to stop an executive board vote of confidence against myself.

We had one person in the board that asked the rest of the board about a vote of confidence against me. And when this person presented this vote, this person also direct connected an action to the result of this vote. IF the majority of the board voted for "no confidence for me", I would be dismiss with immediate effect and not be permitted to run for president again.

The vote request was seconded by one person and after that the person who first asked the question, send out the vote as an official board vote and asked our official scrutinizers to receive and count the votes. Just after that another board member step forward and told the board that the vote was direct against the AIDA Statutes and also against the law of Swiss where AIDA is registered and is working under. This was also DIRECT confirmed by one of AIDAs scrutinizers, who also work as a lawyer in Swizz and is also a member of the AIDA Disciplinary Commission. The whole board receive this info about this vote/action being illegal. After that I send a mail to the board and told them that I as the President, and the one with highest responsibility, officially have to stop the vote because of this. I also told the board in that mail that they could continue to send in their votes to our scrutinizers if they liked to. (but to not be involved in this illegal action, I had to say what I did)

Personally, I had nothing against this type of vote, but the question was addressed wrong and done in the wrong way. And then this type of vote should be done already in January after the TC case, and then maybe be followed by a total new re-election of the entire executive board. But this was never requested when it was as most needed (!) ??? (..this if you ask me)

When the work with the new AIDA Statutes is done, we will have a new election of the whole AIDA Board. We need Board persons who are ready to work on a weekly basis and not "sleeping" for months without any signs of life as the case sadly is right now and has been since end of 2007 (yes!)


ps. to Chrillepille: any AIDA member can ask question but to post official votes in the assembly is done by the board after a decision inside of the board or by a special assembly request.
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