Tom, those videos MUST be on streaming?
For north america, and probably some parts of europe it may be ok, but where I am, streaming from the rest of the world is sometimes a problem. I have ADSL with 750kbs down and 64kbps up (if I remember correct, around 80down/12up kps), yet some of the streaming I can't really get right, sometimes I get only sound and what I guess is key-frames, so it looks like the clip was made from a bad slideshow with music, sometimes I get it ok, but have to stop in the middle and rewind a bit so it'll start buffering again otherwise I won't be able to make out what I'm watching.
And that's after I set the beffering to maximum on my media player...
Ofcourse I can watch it on dial-up quality, but that's crap.

And I know that if I had a REAL dial-up, I would'nt be able to watch it at all.
I'm not sure if it's a 'ping' problem or just a bottle-neck between continents, but this makes me opt for d/ling everything and it'll probably take less time than buffering as well.
Is it a matter of rights or what?
I can't see how "releasing" those clips could hurt anyone, not that it isn't impossible to save them anyway if it was worth the bother...
I hope you're the right man to ask this for, if not, then I'm sorry for the technobabble...