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sussex 2013

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I was on Newhaven beach today for a uni field trip the sea was like a millpond don’t know about the viz but I have the day off tomorrow and would really like to go for a dive maybe try out the spearguns i bought over easter :)

Is any one available and up for it?

Off to a freedive class now PM me if you are and i’ll get a notification on my phone to message you back :)



Have drybag will travel
Managed to get in last night at dusk, vis started off pretty good 3-4m, then met diddavetellyou. Went for a drift looking for flatties and anything else that wanted to come out for a night feed but as the tide started to run vis ended up about 1m so we retired to the pub. But first dive of the year down here and just wait for the spiders and bass in the next few months.
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Hi Karl, happy to take you for a dive in Brighton - I'll be back at the end of May. You do need to be careful around the burnt out pier - lots of tangled beams underwater in places you wouldn't necessarily expect them. If you're going alone and haven't been before take care and only go with very good viz till you figure out where everything is. When I dive there I'm always really careful looking all around (including above!) throughout the dive, I head for the surface in plenty of time, and only go for the safer parts when the viz isn't at its best.

I'd also suggest not tying your float line to yourself or your gun - less to get tangled. Around the pier I normally have it tied to a spare weight and leave it on the clean sand.

There's less stress around the other pier, though there are often gill nets quite close so don't go near any buoys!

Oh, and if you go early in the morning, don't shoot the swimmers ;)
P.S. never dived Selsey but would be keen to give it a go. I think the trick is to steer clear of the lifeboat ramp - I remember reading somewhere about them getting a bit p***ed off when they couldn't launch because someone was spearing in that area
Went in again on Saturday....there are seriously no fish around in Sussex at the moment...not even a wrasse. Did some Kayak fishing today with no joy either so headed for the fishmonger, head hanging in shame...but the squid were delicious. Hurry up spiders!
Reactions: bobandsausage

I have dived selsey a couple of times and it's a pretty promising spot. There were lots of fish in mid-summer! Unfortunately the viz like everywhere else may well still be rubbish and the thing you really have to be careful of is the tide. It rips past the beach and if you misjudge it then you get a free trip to the isle of wight! Probably best to stay very close to the beach, not too close to the lifeboat and probably go with someone who knows it well.

I'm hoping to get in somewhere this weekend now the vis is on the up. It's been a dreadful few months with no viz along the whole south coast to Cornwall most of the time.

I've laid in some thick gloves and socks so I'll let you know how I get along.

Surely it can't be long to the first decent sussex fish of 2013!
Nothing comes close to the famous comment my wife once actually made... "nothing can go wrong now". If that is not the ultimate fate tempter I don't know what is.
Heading out tonight, high tide is 6.30 I think. Anyone keen?
Wasted trip, too windy at newhaven, pea soup out there, going to try seafood but doubt it'll be shelterd enough from the wind.
Reactions: bobandsausage
what does anyone think of the weather for a dive at the end of the week maybe Saturday???

magicseaweed says: flattish Thursday; flat Friday; flat Saturday; before picking up on Sunday is that a big enough window for it to settle down?



have drybag will travel.

I got in at Bognor today. Took the boat out to the reef and tried a few spots. Viz was ok, about 4-5m but a bit milky. Saw plenty of wrasse and some small pollock. Not much going on so I changed to another spot where there were loads of big boulders with caves in between (just like I've seen on YouTube!). I got out my torch and checked a whole load of little caves at around 6-8m as the tide came in. There wasn't a huge bass waiting in one but I did find the biggest brown crab I've ever seen. There was a tussle. The crab stayed where he was.

No fish but I'm totally psyched about the fishing getting going and it made me realise how much I've missed being in the water. Last dive was December! The two years before we fished right through the winter but this winter was just awful.

You should all get in there because the Sussex sea is ready for spearfishing!
Reactions: bobandsausage
Hey Nick, I'd be up for a night dive at your spot...Let me know when you're up for it.
Hi David, great, look forward to it! Might make it down tomorrow night - I'll let you know. Pretty monster tides at the mo so viz might not be great.
Hi guys, has anyone even seen a fish in Sussex yet?? This is my last couple if days of working in Dorset so guess it'll be the end of clear water and back to the pea soup of home. Done a few night dives down here last week and proved fairly successful. Defiantly keen to do some more back in Sussex although I think it's going to prove even harder when you combine poor via with no light, but I'm keeping an eye on the tides and will prob head out next week sometime if not before.

No actual silver fish seen (!)

But by the sounds of things the viz I was getting last weekend was better than what was happening in south Devon or at portland because we didn't have the bloom.

All this rain won't have helped much this week.

I'm afraid I'm defecting back to Dorset this weekend to spear with a mate but it sounds like it'll be murky!

We're still forecast a northwesterly wind with flat seas around here so I'd say it'll be fine in the usual spots around Brighton, Newhaven and Bognor.

Get out there and give it a go!
