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Sussex report 2008

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hey morgan how you been lately, are you not in canada at the moment, where abouts are you,
yeah the gun i brougt should be better than the one i have now, am also thinking about a new spearing suit, but dont know which one yet,
i have pretty much given up with the barb on the old gun haha, especially now i have my new one coming. :)
Im still using a 3mm surf suit at the moment i dont think i will be using it this year tho ,iv got my eye on the beuchat 5mm camo suit its about 135 from apnea online store. or ill splash out on a elios made to measure suit but thats 200 . i really want to upgrade all my kit but will probably just get the suit and fins this year.
Thanks for the info on the kayak sunfish iv never been on a kayak before so will definitly take your advise on getting on and off what kayak do u use?
hey sunfish they look really nice, i was looking to get one or a small inflatable boat with small outboard, but just cant find anywhere to store it,
how heavy is the blue kayak in the first picture, is it easy to carry to the beach does it require two people or can you carry it on your own?
hey huntfish, i am going to get a new suit aswell i like the look of the omer suites on apnea so i am probably going to get one of those.
i would order it soon, then at least you will have it way in time for spring.
my gun has still not come but when i paid for postage and packaging i paid £13 and they take 3 - 10 days, but when i ordered a gun from spearo it was sent next day delivery and i paid £7.50, whats up with all that? maybe add a commment when you are buying it to say you want a quicker delivery service?
Josh, I think it's about 25 kilos. I carry it from the car to the water but it would be much better to have a trolley. Look in Mr X's thread rigging a sit-on kayak for spearfishing. It's all in there and page 12 shows a selection of trolleys. I can only carry it when it's empty so I have to carry my gear down separately.
Cobra Kayaks This looks pretty nice too!

"Portinfer" over here has that exact kayak (don't believe him if he says its red, its PINK!). I've had a paddle and a bit of a fish from it, its very quick but far tippier than your Scupper or Prowler. Not unmanageable though.
Hi jwells1989 Iv just rechecked on apnea website and it is the omer mimitec i was looking at not the beuchat but either is good. Im selling a few things on ebay so with however much i get will go on new gear. iv been going thru all my stuff and need a new rubber weight belt with some gray weights, my existing ones are floresant yellow!
Iv also got to get some diving ear plugs, i struggle with equilisation and they are supose to help.
Did u use a venom 75 last year ? i currently use one and found it pretty good i was planning on changing it but will keep it this year i , what is the advantage of the thinner spears, the spear on the venom is pretty tough 7mm i think. is the spear a 5mm on your new gun?
yay at last my gun came today, looks really nice.
huntfish yeah i used that gun last year and it does have a thick spear, my new gun has a really thin spear, looks about 5-6 mm but not sure will find out for you.
i also have a flourescent yellow weight on my weight belt does not seem to scare fish though,:)
oh and kev you know the line release on the caymen gun has that red plastic thing on it do you take that off if so how do you do it, dont want to damage it already.
Just take it off it comes of easy.I think it is just to stop it releasing in transit.

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thanks kev and also you know the little metal guide you get that goes on the front of the gun to hold the spear from falling out of line and you have to put the pin through, how did you get the pin to go through it seem like it wont go much further than half way, how did you get it through?
Don't bother with it use the gun as an open muzzle. if you have'nt tried an open muzzle before you will not be disapointed. Do change the handle, and I don't about you a reel is a waste of time as well.
oh ok thanks, no i have never tried open muzzle but i was thinking yesterday about doing that, i still need to rig it with line and take the reel off, do you use the special crimping tool or normal pliers to connect the line? was looking at the spare handle aswell is the spare one better feels more comfortable in your hand, its hard to take the handle off though i have found.
You have to knock the pins out with something that will fit (I use and old spear tip) yes the other handle is much better I find. The gun seems well balanced so don't bother about the extra weight they supply. and yes i do use a special crimping tool that I got from Dave Thomasson ( spearo UK)
oh yeah good idea, the pins are such a tight fit on most parts of the gun. did you add any extra weight in the muzzle end of the gun?
No found that I did not need it, you can add it to the handle as well.( but did not need that either.) Check the barb as they are a bit suspect.

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yeah i wont bother with the weights, i just checked the barb and it seems fine, i dont think that it could come off easily, which is good.
looking at the reel though it looks as if it is going to be a difficult job to get it off.
oh and other thing is i tried gripping the rubbers and i am struggling to reach them haha, it will be fine i will just have to load it on my leg or something, or i need to grow a few inches.
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