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Sussex report 2008

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Mongrel454, There are a few elements to the type of diving you do before choosing a new suit, are you in and out of a boat searching for grounds to fish, in which case you may want a smoothskin outer as it stays dryer and the wind doesn't cool you down whilst travelling in the boat but the suit is more delicate to put on or diving around sharp terrain without nylon linings but open cell are warmer all round but that might not be a problem for you where you dive. I have scuba dived for years with a lined suit and had used it for spearo until yesterday, all i can say is never again! The taylor made Elios suits are excellent! If you really don't want to lube up before you put the suit on then you would probably have to go for a lined inner suit. Good luck
Jwells, you will always need a little more weight in the shallows than deeper waters, be careful not to over do it or you could be negative buoyant at the surface and struggle to stay afloat to breathe
yeah no i have 6kg and it evens me out just right, maybe i add a bit more but i am fine as it is.
just wondering how much other people are using?
yeah no i have 6kg and it evens me out just right, maybe i add a bit more but i am fine as it is.
just wondering how much other people are using?

20lbs for me with a 7mm suit. Could do with a bit more in shallow water (might try ankle weights this season).
Is the 6kg in the shallows? Again many factors are in the weight system other than the depth you are diving IE. The thickness of your suit, how new it is and if you’re a plump fella :) not having met you personally and going by your 6kg, I would imagine you are a slim lad with a surf suit. Are you neutral buoyant on the bottom with 6kg, that’s light? yesterday I used 8kg.
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Most UK divers use in the region of 15 to 25 lbs of weight with a 5mm suit. Body shape/mass and depth dived are the most important factors. I use 21lb am not skinny and don't dive over 10 metres, in other words fairly typical. One of my dive buddies has no body fat and goes down to 15+ metres . He uses as little as 14lb but everyone else I dive with uses between 20 and 25lb.

Sorry its all in pounds, showing my age Im afraid. 1kg is 2.2 lbs so your 6kg is just over 13lb. My 21lb is nearly 10kg.

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i am quite short 5 foot 9 inches and very slim, my suit is 5mm, like i said i maybe could do with a bit more weight but i am not that floaty on the bottom, mind you my suit is relatively new, so that will be effecting me aswell, might add another kilo or two. dont know yet but its definanlty not essential at the moment.

dont worry oldmandave i would much rather go with pounds rather than kilos i have always done things in pounds. much prefer it, i find it easier.
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Hi guys iv just ordered my new green mimitec omer suit just hope it fits. if it turns up in time ill be heading down the piers in Brighton this weekend if anyone wants to meet.
Hows the new gun josh? how does it compare to the venom ?
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hey huntfish, i really like my new gun and as it is a 90cm and my other gun is a 75cm it has sooooo much more power. thats cool you have ordered a new suit, did you get it from apnea? if so it should be here by the end of the week, i always get things i have ordered from them within 3 - 4 days so thats good.
i am diving tommorow at hopefully the palace pier, but if not then i will be going to the marina along the east arm, just been down the marina to have a look and the vis looks really good down there, not divable at the pier yet but hopefully there is some vis there tommorow, its clearing though.
hey huntfish if theres any vis i am up for diving this weekend.
thanks josh
:)Just got my new elios suit :) ( thanks Spearodave ) , been prancing round the house in it , amusing the girlfriend and scaring the neighbours . I'm a bit disappointed 'cos it makes me look a tiny bit tubby :eek: , it's definitely the suit and not any wine, beer , chocolate or icecream i may have eaten lately ( now she's laughing derisively ) , it's the suit , no really , IT IS :vangry . Now it's here i suppose i'll have to try it out in the freezing , nill vis , fishless Sussex coast waters , YESSSS :) :) :) .
haha glad you like your new suit devondave, not much vis about though at the moment, looked at the marina east arm last night and the vis looked good went back this morning to check and it was not so good, so looked at the marina west arm at the same time thinking that there may be some shelter from the easterly winds and there was some vis but it was nothing to shout about.
looks like some strong easterly winds for the next two days!
Just a quick word to let you all know that several of the Sussex lads will be checking Bognor on Thursday morning 24th next week and will post a report on the forum as soon as a decision is made. Water temp is now 10o and Pollack have started to appear on the shallow water wrecks these are usually closely followed by the bream shoals and the bass. Anybody scouting this week, be warned, major work is going on, on the boat ramp and it will be unusable for several weeks.

PS what happen to Global Warming?
Eric Smith (Sussex Vice Chairman)
Cheers, I will check it from Spain on the newly acquired iphone! I do not have my float number yet from the BSA (even though I joined LIC/BSA beginning of April) and am going to be in a rush next week. I get back from Spain at about 1am on the 25th! Luckily I can sleep over 13 litres of Rob Allen float...roflAnyone know whether I can get a float number on the day?

Drove down to the coast , had a look from Bogor up to Seaford , pants , pants , PANTS :vangry . Have to be patient for a while longer i guess :head.I hope this isn't a repeat of last year , anyone know what the jetstream is doing at the moment ?
Sussex National Competition

Due to the funeral of our old friend Jim Taplin taking place on Thursday 24th April, as a mark of respect, the Sussex National Competition will be cancelled this Saturday26th April. After consulting all the committee members we could get hold of, under these special circumstances, we will be holding a boat comp at Bognor on Saturday 14th June, with our back up date of Sept 20th still applying.
dived at the palace pier today, vis was not to good but spearable, probably 2 meters in some place to not bring able to see the end of my gun vis in others.
saw a few big wrasse on the barge wreck next to the pier, but that was about it.
vis underneath the pier was non existant, got to dark and murky.
there was a boat of scuba divers diving under or near the pier aswell.
did you mange to get in devon dave?
No jewlls i didn't , after i looked the other day thought it would take a while to clear ( it was very rough ) . Glad you got a dive in , even to see a few wrasse , keep us posted on the state of the water , will try again soon !
Sussex club had a club dive yesterday and I took my boat out for the first time this year.

Went out to the Jenny grounds first but it did not look to promising, very quickly relised that it was like diving in soup, no joy had by anyone. So we split up with myself and Keith going west to fish a wreck and Eric and Martin going straight out to sea, likewise to fish a wreck. The wreck we fished was in 35ft and the viz was good at about 10-15ft. That said I only saw Wrasse and Pout. Martin dived the other wreck in approximately 40ft of water.

Regards Kev.
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