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Sussex report 2008

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

SpitPoint in Seafard??

Had a look late last year and does look really nice.

Also just looks like a nice place to be. I notice there is a boat lane nearby though?
Sorry Captain J , not sure where spitpoint is , the spot I meant runs from the white cliffs East of Seaford ( Seaford Head ? ) too Birling Gap and probably round too Beachy Head but not got that far yet . There is some boat traffic but not too much ( use float , keep eye out etc ) . Can be a reasonable tide here so being a good swimmer is useful . It's a nice peaceful place and looks " fishy " .
my wetsuit came today 'brilliant' i originally ordered an omer green mimitec from Apnea but due to stock problems they sent me a more expensive brown mimitec for the same price so Thankyou to them. its a bugger to get on, that open cell interiour is really grippy on the skin but looks cool when on.
Sorry i didnt contact u last week Josh, the weather was rubbish hows water this week?
hey huntfish, dont worry as you may have read i got in quite a few time this last week, vis has not been anything special but caught a couple of flatfish so better than nothing.
i have the black omer pro suit and as they have open cell inside you need to make a solution of sope such as shower gel or hair coditioner mixed with water then you pour it in the suit and swish it around then it slides on easily, impossible to get on otherwise.
weather is not looking to brilliant this week but the winds are light at times but dont think there will be any vis but we will see.
my wetsuit came today 'brilliant' its a bugger to get on, that open cell interiour is really grippy on the skin but looks cool when on.
this week?

Ha did you try & get it on without lube? I have been there when I bought my first open cell rofl
I did try as i wasnt sure it would fit and didnt want to get it wet incase i needed to send it back, but luckily it fits well and im chuffed to bits with it. i can see its going to be fun trying to get it off as my girlfriend had to help, i had it over my head with the arms still in and thats as far as i made it on my own, id look pretty silly on the beach. any techniques will be welcome
Huntfish, i use cheapo hair conditioner as lube to get the suit on/off - it works really easy after that; you'll be laughing when you look back plenty of water too.
Dived with Trosky today, 15ft viz 3 miles out 40ft deep, he had his first two bass of the year 10.5 lbs and 7.5lbs. I took two good lobsters. Water warming 10% we had a huge shoal of fish showing on the sounder at one time on diving it turned out to be bream mixed with school bass very spokey fish, looking for their breeding grounds.
Hi Guys,

This is my first post in this thread cause I am new to spearfishing in UK. Today I had my first dive in UK mainland on Newhaven. I spotted the place on map and decide that it is promissing. The place is amazing and I am pretty sure I will catch some big sea dogs (basses) there.
Now about my dive The visibility was nil. I had only Cressi Comanche 90sm but I couldn't use 45sm gun even. I want to ask you on what month/wind/tide you are using places like Newhaven ?

hey snoopy, the best time to dive newhaven or brighton or anywhere around here is preferably when there is no wind because its then calm and should clear. northerly winds also cause the sea to be calm though.
the best months to dive around newhaven are definanlty the summer months like from march to november, the vis is usually rubbish during most of the winter but gets good during the summer.
i would say you can fish anywhere on any tide as long as there is some vis, but obviously best tides to spearfish vary from place to place.
hope this helps
i am also gonna try and dive the east arm of brighton marina tommorow if theres any vis that is, anyone know what vis was like there today?
Thanks Josh,

What about the west rock on Newhaven beach ? I feel there can be found some fish on calm sea ? What's the deep there ?

P.S. Where do you park the car on Brighton Marina to dive on the east side ?

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Reactions: jwells1989
jewlls , was in the marina fixing a yacht today , vis on East side looked rubbish , sorry !!
jewlls , was in the marina today ( fixing a yacht ) , vis on the East side looked rubbish , sorry .
yeah i went down just after i posted my last post and yeah it looks really rubbish so will probably not go.
hey snoopy what do you mean by west rock in newhaven sorry i have never heared of that, whereabouts is it?
you can park the car at the top of the cliff slope at the top of the east arm on the grass, i have parked on there lots of times and everyone else parks on there and its free, theres not much of a walk then either.
i would definanlty reccomend the palace pier and the west pier in brighton if you have never dived them before, i dive them all the time and they are very good.
Balls ! computer playing up or could be me . Hello snoopy wellcome too Sussex DeeperBlue , lots of info' on shore diving sites on past Sussex threads or if you need to know something particular I'm sure somebody will help , at the moment most people are waiting for the vis to improve .
hey i went surfing in shoreham today and the water is looking green, i think its definatly may bloom. arrrgggghhhh.
had a look inside the lock gate at shoreham harbour aswell and saw a couple of mullet probably up to 2 pound and a hugh bass of probably 5 - 6 pounds which just cruised past, also saw some smaller bass. i have seen big bass in there before and have fished for them with rod but they are very clever, they eat all groundbait with no hook in it and leave the one bit of bait with your hook in it.
winds are dropping from friday so its looking good but worried about may bloom.

Sorry Dave I meant Splashpoint, its exactly where you are talking about.
Water looks calm on the Brighton web cam , anyone know what the vis is doing ? Hoping for a dive tomorrow or Wednesday , any info' would be welcome .