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The concept of holding the harpoon in the piston

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2014
I have been using a 3mm shank and a 2.8mm hole in the piston for a long time! The holding force is excellent and allows you to safely download greenery! For a long time I tried to implement a hydraulic damper on the piston, but the piston did not work for a long time due to the hole in the piston nose, along which it was cut off! This idea changes the whole concept of pistons as consumables and makes it possible to quickly change the caprolon sleeve in the shank of the harpoon! Loading forces can be safely increased!


  • Фиксация гарпуна в поршне!.jpg
    Фиксация гарпуна в поршне!.jpg
    114.3 KB · Views: 208
  • Haha
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I have been using a 3mm shank and a 2.8mm hole in the piston for a long time! The holding force is excellent and allows you to safely download greenery! For a long time I tried to implement a hydraulic damper on the piston, but the piston did not work for a long time due to the hole in the piston nose, along which it was cut off! This idea changes the whole concept of pistons as consumables and makes it possible to quickly change the caprolon sleeve in the shank of the harpoon! Loading forces can be safely increased!
The shaft tail is not hydrodynamic. The spear has a higher drag in water.
The shaft tail is not hydrodynamic. The spear has a higher drag in water.
This version is intended for Zelinkas that do not shoot at 8-10m underwater! Their distance is 1.5 - 3 m and the notorious hydrodynamic resistance plays a negligible role in comparison with the runner and line tied to the harpoon!
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I have been using a 3mm shank and a 2.8mm hole in the piston for a long time! The holding force is excellent and allows you to safely download greenery! For a long time I tried to implement a hydraulic damper on the piston, but the piston did not work for a long time due to the hole in the piston nose, along which it was cut off! This idea changes the whole concept of pistons as consumables and makes it possible to quickly change the caprolon sleeve in the shank of the harpoon! Loading forces can be safely increased!
How can that shaft of 3 mm get into carpolon hole of 2,8 mm? Is there space for corpolon bushing to stretch radially?
How can that shaft of 3 mm get into carpolon hole of 2,8 mm? Is there space for corpolon bushing to stretch radially?
Tolerance of 0.2mm on thread M 6! When loading, the thread is sealed!
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