yes free diving is a huge passion ! however it's not the only one and among others i am an avid windsurfer and kitesurfer. one of the elements that these sports give me wich i miss in freediving is SPEED. can't help but remembering a tacky example from the 80's, Tom Cruize in "Top Gun" saying, "i feel the need, the need for speed...". well, so do i and it often happens underwater which brings me to doing underwater sprints with my monofin. what a rush i get when i glide through the water at speed, always pushing to go faster. of course this will go against lots of peoples idea of freediving but for me the feeling is fantastic. so, imagine speed dives in competition ? set depths with several divers going down and back together as fast as they can. i think it would be pretty spectacular and FUN. until then, catch me if you can...ha ha...