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the need for speed...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2003
yes free diving is a huge passion ! however it's not the only one and among others i am an avid windsurfer and kitesurfer. one of the elements that these sports give me wich i miss in freediving is SPEED. can't help but remembering a tacky example from the 80's, Tom Cruize in "Top Gun" saying, "i feel the need, the need for speed...". well, so do i and it often happens underwater which brings me to doing underwater sprints with my monofin. what a rush i get when i glide through the water at speed, always pushing to go faster. of course this will go against lots of peoples idea of freediving but for me the feeling is fantastic. so, imagine speed dives in competition ? set depths with several divers going down and back together as fast as they can. i think it would be pretty spectacular and FUN. until then, catch me if you can...ha ha...
You aren't the only one. It warms you up nicely too. Just be careful not to damage your ears.
I once did 30m in 39 seconds. Equalizing like a madman.
What a rush. Even better would be to do it without a suit so you can really feeeeeeellllll the speed.

Vancouver, BC
I beat Pete!!!!!

22m in 22 seconds! Ha-ha!!!!!!!! Mind you, that was with a waterway MDM1, which I don't normally use in open water.

I find this is quite a fun thing towards the end of a deep session. I know that I am not going to do any more deep dives, but I still want to warm up and have some fun, whilst my buddies still have some deep dives left in them.

Anyway, this was all in my younger and fitter days, when I could do nice things like diving and didn't have a mountain of DIY looming over me......

Never timed myself to see how fast i go but i've played fun games with dolphins chasing each other around and i'm sure they where having as much fun as me. Hard to beat that for pleasure...
Hmmm.....yes, that does beat our 'speed sessions'.....


No dolphins for Pete and Ben.... :(
would like to see people going for new speed records in the future. "anouncing a new record attempt for the 30 meter category..." place your bets, it's gonna happen !
Pin two divers, side-by-side, rifling down 30m and back up, and now you have a contest screaming for ESPN2.

You would think a 'hands-free' guy like me would have the advantage.....alas, Senior 'Frenzel' Jon could undoubtedly dust me every time.

I'll always be a slowpoke :eek:.
taken me a while to find this thread but I love this idea! My dives are all super speedy... but yes I have had a few bust eardrums along the way. They are now so scarred they can't pop any more... seemingly..

in this cold weather speed has other advantages too.. such as keeping you warm

watch out there - I went for a real dynamic burn in the pool the other day and got such MASSIVE cramp really suddenly that my legs went like two dead weights and I had to hang on to the side of the pool and have my buddy get my fin off....

training with the monofinners speeds you up too.. they do a 50m apnea sprint race and some of the times are amazing
Your ears learn to clear pretty quickly when your zooming around wrecks with your scooter wide open.:D

At least until you run into something with your head.:head That always slows me down a little bit.;)

So, my dear cetacean brothers, should we join forces and make this happen ? If not now when, if not us who...?
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