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this or that game

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Good old fashioned boxing. At my age the only full contact I want is with wifie.

Gas, charcoal brickets, real charcoal, or wood (specify species) for use on the pit???
Reactions: Don Paul
Wood baby. Australian gum, reminds me of many a time in our bush.

I thought you would have chosen boxing with a wife reference as nobody wants that contact faked! (i am VERY anti ufc)

Watching your country win the world
Cup or your local team win the season?
Posted via Mobile Device
It's got to be topping the league, however as a Manchester United fan (yes, my local team) I can expect both.....so

United or City?
City, my grandfather played an invitational match with them when he used to play for Huddersfield.

(And I'd have thought a Man-U fan would at least be honest enough to realise England won't be winning the World Cup any time soon!! And yes, they're my 2nd nationality)

Chalk or cheese?!
Don't worry, I'm under no illusion that England will be winning anything other than a wooden spoon.
Okay now Gav...from this side of the pond neither chalk nor cheese go together nor remotely have a connection. What gives hombre?

Chalk---for marking off the mumblypeg spots and outline of the bodies.

Body surfing or boogie board.
Chops on a hot charcoal grill.
Beef -slow cooked rump or fast cooked fillet?
Okay now Gav...from this side of the pond neither chalk nor cheese go together nor remotely have a connection. What gives hombre?

Chalk---for marking off the mumblypeg spots and outline of the bodies.

Body surfing or boogie board.

Tee-hee, that's why I chose it!!

Slow cooked rump. Nice and juicy.

Ability to fly, or to breathe underwater?
I'd rather breath underwater.

Hot or mild pico de gallo. Pico is diced fresh tomatoes, onion, cilantro, serrano peppers, a litle garlic and squirted with lime juice. For this one you can comment on salsa too. But not made in NY City.
hot, the kind that makes you break a sweat and your hole sing the next day.

driving a wrangler in the mud: roof on or off? c'mon girls, y'all know you wana get dirty
Reactions: Don Paul
On. Last time I did that, I spent days getting the mud cleaned out of the cab.

Grouper: fried or grilled? (Dinner tonight)

hahay a fellow wrangler driver what do you think of the '11 interior?? steering wheel controls are nice and all, but they dont belong on a wrangler if you ask me.

Good Times or One Fish? <---- spearo dvd's
Good times! The one fish will come along sooner or later.

Oysters- half shell or fried. Other ways of preparation will be considered but not in form. :martial
Half shell, tasting like the sea.

Good boots, or thongs? (Flip flops or jandals for you weirdos)
center console.
pop-up cleats or the through the gunwale down the side and up ur arse hidden cleat?
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