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To all the Seatech Gabbiano users out there

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Oct 12, 2006

I am sure some of you have seen that I am having trouble finding 20mm rubbers that will fit my threads.:head

Well bugger I have been thinking of trying it a wile and it seams to work. Plus cheaper and I can fine tune the power a bit more.Instead of using the plastic screw in that slots in the muzle head i just slotted the rubber in!

Am feeling a bit iffy about it till I try it IN the water and have not fire it out of water after seeing this feller:rofl

I am also going to use a Wire wish bone.

Whatcha reckon Gents?????????:confused:

(see pics)


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How did you slot it through? Is the muzzle built to take threaded and/or bulk rubber? I dont own a Gab but I am thinking of getting one and was wondering whether or not it is possible to do what you have just done. Maybe you could post a close up of where the band interfaces with the muzzle.
Cheers m8,
i have also the same gun


if you wish to use a cirular rubber
u can buy tje snake muzzle that fits
I guess it will be shorter in 7 CN
if not
u can still use a bulk rubber by puting
special inserts on the regular muzzle

regular muzzle , you have the same muzzle ready to 20 mm rubbers!
if you want to buy

this is the inserts to put on the regular head


U can use regular rubber no need to buy screwed ones
it works good

if you need more power U can replace the rubber unit
with a Katyusha head 4 rubbers


i think what you did is not safe
this head is thin this hole is easy to the rubber to go out


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I am curios. Why is not save, the omer cobra and master America uses the same type of hole.

I am curios. Why is not save, the omer cobra and master America uses the same type of hole.

because in those wooden guns the hole is in 4-5 CM of teac wood
this is in a 6 MM plastic oxide ( good )
a very thin muzzle
if it doesn't break it can slowly damage the rubber band
in short time

if there is ant kind off risk why not to avoid it :naughty

BTW i gave 3 examples how he can do it safe

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Very good point, if it breaks the piece would go flying back !
Thanks for explaining !
Mundial is right, absolutely 100% right.

Jimy you have my solidarity for the trouble you've had with finding the proper screw in rubbers, but I'm afraid your system is not going to work.
The trb muzzle is not designed to work without the bit you took away. The gun will result absolutely unbalanced and very probably inaccurate as you took away half the mass of the muzzle.
I understand you did it for necessity and you found a creative solution. But that way the gun will loose too much in terms of balance and accuracy.
All you have to do is buy this bit of kit (band holder with 16mm thread) Testina portagomme d.16mm : Tutto Pesca Mare and you have my word of honor that any rubber with 16mm threads will fit in it perfectly (Seatec bands, Omer bands, H.Dessault and many more, except Cressi).
In facts my suspect is that your gun has the old band holder with 20mm threads, and this might be where all your trouble came from.
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Thanks all of you for your help. All very good points.

Im 99% sure that spag is right that I have the old band holder that is no longer made.

I did realize that What i did would not be as good as the proper way but better then nothing. Also like mundial said the bands might brake and i was nerves about the idea of putting it up to my face!!! ooooch haha

I had tried contacting Seatec directly but know answer(also wrote in english.)
Now tho that spag sent that link to it im sorted. THANKS A 1000 TIME OVER!!!!

Also noticed that my muzzel is slightly different to mundial's????

Thank you again guys

tutto pesca mare, I don't think they mail to U.S. At least I never got an answer when I've asked.
So spag I sent them an email and no answer???? bbbuga

Also Mundial i was thinking what you said bout the screw in inserts for the bulk rubber. Wouldnt that not unbalence the gun also as they look quite heavy???
Mundial: great post, have some rep

Strange: I have bought from tuttopesamare and can only say great things. Their shipping is very expensive outside Europe though. Their product range is great.
I am about to purcahse a gabbiano 90cm. Open muzzle. The one thing that I am not sure about is the screw in type rubbers. My last gun had one continuous rubber. Thanks to mundails post, I now see that with 'The Snake' muzzle this is possible. If I set it up like this what length rubber would I need? I intend to use 16mm rubbers.
Any advice would be very helpful
what gun
what length
what head ?
if it is a GABBIANO with a snake head it depends
i wait for your answers
hi there,
I really want a 90cm. Can't decide between snake or TRB. I have read far more about the TRB than the snake and can't really find a bad word said about it however, I like circular rubbers so prefer the look of the muzzle on the snake. Is the only difference between the two guns the muzzle?
Thanks for your help!!
go for the snake
its circular ready muzzle
better shaft ( sjarkfined )
nice shaped body
2 rubbers
reel 50 m included

the TRB is nice one but the snake is better
i own TRB 90 & snake carbon 110
Mundial....Seeing as you clearly know your subject and already own both guns, I have taken your advice and ordered the Gabbiano Snake 90cm Carbon.

Many thanks for giving me a push in the right direction! I am sure it will be worth it!

As soon as it arrives i will let you know what I think of it but now I need to go and make a bed next to my letterbox and wait!

Thanks for your help!
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good choise mate
better then You can imagene
so good luck mate:friday

i had 2 days a go a dive
the wind was 20 Knots
the sea was windy spay all over but clear
i have manage to take out some fish
with that current using a 110 snake

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